Matt's Comments
Dollmaster Dorian
If you draw a card in a big priest deck what are the chances of even hitting a creature?
Rat Trap
I guess if you have nothing better to do turn 2 than deny your opponent’s coin a couple turns.
Can’t tell if it’s good but shaman is getting card draw options which it definitely wanted.
Holy Water
That is not what worth means. Yeti is in no way, shape or form worth 4 mana. There is no amount of synergy with current decks that will make yeti meta over strictly better cards printed at the same cost. Everything about that is wrong.
Rat Trap
Of course floating 1 mana is a tempo loss but it is an infrequent result of this card and doesn’t come close to offsetting the cost of playing this card.
Holy Water
You have the problem with the 4 damage you want to deal not lining up with the creature you want to get from them and the fact that taking creatures from the tempo deck when you are the control in the matchup is almost always worse than just drawing a card which actually synergises with your deck. If it was 1 mana cheaper it would be comparable to hammer of wrath.
Rat Trap
People play around mct. People will absolutely play around this which is great for the hunters not running it.
Rat Trap
You just don’t do that against a hunter with a secret up. There is 0 reason to risk it.
Rat Trap
You have to invest tempo, 2 mana and a card into this and if you are lucky you make someone float a mana instead of playing a 3rd card once every couple games.
Rat Trap
Tempo mage can get by pre aluneth just playing 2 cards per turn pretty easily.
Holy Water
Does priest want to invest resources to draw the agro creatures it kills?
Rat Trap
Also makes your hunter deck stronger without even having to run it in the deck.
Rat Trap
Seems like a card that is too easy to play around to ever become meta for long but it’s going to pop up and surprise people occasionally.
Comboing it with minstril is good but not great and without drawing the combo it sucks. Anyone see anything else? Big priest or malygos combo both seem super unlikely.