Matt's Comments
Militia Commander
Kind of has the flanking strike drawback of not always really being able to slam it on curve if there isn’t anything to hit but similar upside as well.
Genn Greymane
Definitely seems like something you would have to play around with. If someone finds a refined deck that doesn’t mind the drawback much I could see it taking off.
Silver Hand (Dude) Paladin Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - April 2018
It’s the only viable agro deck. There are still more people playing anti-lock decks than agro decks.
Aggro Token Druid Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - February 2018
Fungalmancer? Why doesn’t this deck run fungalmancer?
Sargento's #7 Legend Warlock Zoo (March 2018)
Fledgling I guess? The 3 spot sucks. Maybe councilman if you aren’t running into silence.
What Happened to Spiteful Summoner?
Lock obviously pushes the other spiteful decks out of the meta because it just does more powerful stuff at the same time.
What Happened to Spiteful Summoner?
I think it was more that people expected spiteful priest specifically to rise in popularity because of how well mind control countered lock but people ended up overteching vs lock and letting paladin run away with the meta instead. Give it time. Once people will realize playing secret mage is dumb in a paladin meta the lock numbers will be allowed to grow to a spot where it is actually worth teching against again.
Best Decks for the Wild Brawliseum: Rules, Tips, and Decks for the Wildfest Tavern Brawl
If people are looking for budget wild decks agro shaman is super cheap. People were kind of moving away from doomhammer to powermace anyway to make it all rares and commons.
Spiteful Priest Deck List Guide - Witchwood - May 2018
I wouldn’t go crazy with dusting. We are well over halfway done with this expansion and next one is the big rotation.
Blitzchung's #11 Legend Murloc Paladin (February 2018)
Priest got duskbreaker and warlock got lackey. Now they just have to give the rest of the classes their op card next expansion 🙂
Apxvoid's Top 100 Fungalmancer Secret Tempo Mage (February 2018)
If you get fungal down you hit them in the face for 10 that turn. Once they play taunts you play aluneth and shoot them in the face for 45 with spells. It’s a close matchup but mage is slightly favored.
Spiteful Priest Deck List Guide - Witchwood - May 2018
Having Harrison has to hurt in the mirror but yea that’s weird.
Spiteful Priest Deck List Guide - Witchwood - May 2018
Nevermind, there are better ways to sneak shadow priests in.
Asmodai's #5 Legend OTK Paladin (February 2018)
How does copying 1 help you get 1 of each?
Asmodai's #5 Legend OTK Paladin (February 2018)
How does zola help with the otk? What does call to arms have to do with zola?
Fr0zen's Top 50 Demon Zoolock (February 2018)
Every deck runs 2 silence for the councilman too. People are playing around with howlfiends and crap like this to try to find something decent.
Big deathrattle oozeling secrets
I shouldn’t say sucks, putricide just doesn’t combo with cloaked like people predicted. You are better off just playing the secrets on 3 even with a putricide in hand which you learn if you try it. Putricide would be boarderline playable as a 6 drop if hunter needed 6 drops.
Big deathrattle oozeling secrets
Just glancing at it the early curve looks ok but putricide sucks, it needs barnes and kathrena and the late game curve sucks with 100 6-drops.
4/2 synergizes a bit with the lifesteal to make it not that bad. I don’t think the switching is a huge plus but does give you a little bit of flexibility if you have other options in hand and can choose when to play what. I can see myself picking this in arena on any class that could use a little healing.