Matt's Comments
Totem Cruncher
I think the DK wants to go in an elemental deck. This obviously is a 5 drop in an even deck and you probably don’t run a DK if you sacrificed a bunch for a 1 mana hero power.
Totem Cruncher
Silence is in every deck right now and will be as long as everything is focused around warlock.
Totem Cruncher
It’s still going to be a warlock meta and this will eat a silence every time you play it.
Town Crier
This is warrior’s northshire for the next 2 years. It goes in pretty much everything.
Town Crier
Crap, just noticed this was epic so I’d actually have to craft it to play it.
Town Crier
You know what kind of decks like to control the board and make better use of low health minions after trading? Tempo.
Town Crier
Wtf was that turn 2 dead mans hand in the video over rampage when he had a damaged 1 drop on the board.
Bellringer Sentry
First deck I ever hit legend with was secret pally the day mad scientist was released 🙂 Pally is only running 1 4drop right now. I’m playing this.
Silver Sword
It’s cute what they are going for but weapons like vinecleaver that put the tokens on the board are what you want to be doing every turn. The buffs require timing.
Maybe if the 2 burgle weapons are good enough to warrant a burgle deck but that seems like a stretch.
It’s like curator only the cards are slightly worse, you have to wait until you draw both parts of the combo and it doesn’t have taunt.
Zola saw a little play in spiteful druid. Doesn’t seem terrible if you are just throwing reload after reload.
Is Uther a lifesteal card?