Matt's Comments
Rattling Rascal
It will be interesting to see if that is strong enough. Jade spirit didn’t make the cut and was quite a bit more flexible.
Ice Fishing
It doesn’t help that shaman doesn’t have a single class murloc creature to fill out this + the finja package.
Roll the Bones
With the new 4/8 taunt deathrattle and this quest priest is starting to look decent.
Skulking Geist
Once decklists become standard shammy will just tempo out evolve in matchups they know run this and try to smorc them.
Roll the Bones
You only need 10 deathrattles to average draw 2 when you include the possibilities of drawing 3, 4, 5, etc.
Valeera the Hollow
Seems about as good as the hunter one but it costs 9 instead of 6.
Runeforge Haunter
It’s a removable creature that comes out ahead if they trade turns with you removing it. That’s not why it wouldn’t see play. If there is room in the meta for another weapon heavy deck this is a good card.
Runeforge Haunter
“Battlecry: Your weapon gains 1 durability + Your opponent discards removal + Your opponent taps out and doesn’t develop next turn” and on the off chance he doesn’t have an answer it snowballs.
Righteous Protector
Jambre murloc paladin already ran 2 argent squire with 2 rallying blade.
It’s a 6 mana 7/7 in purify. That’s not any better than treachery. Definitely worth testing this + evolve on 5. 3 evolves + 4 evolve targets would make the deck a lot more consistent.