LuKeAA's Comments
Bronze Herald
Step 1: play Bronze Herald;
Step 2: kill Bronze Herald, get 2 Bronze Dragons;
Step 3: play Dragon Speaker;
Congratulations, you get two 4 Mana 7/7 Dragons, Overload 0.
Let the memes stay alive forever!
Dragon Speaker
Ugh … the card has quite a great effect, but:
may I just ask, is there someone who’s specifically asking for Dragon Paladin to be a thing? Because, they keep printing an Epic once every death of WoW character but it has never been a thing.
Until now. (Wish I could see Dragon Shaman support tho. I love that).
Elemental Shaman - Rastakhan 2nd Nerf - #1 Legend (posesi)
Grumble is quite good with the chances of recycling battlecries such as Kalimos, Blazecaller, heck, even Shudderwock if its cost gets lowered enough.
Keeper Stalladris
Good Token/Aggro Druid support, especially in Wild;
Possibility of generating value, although not so great with more expensive spells:
Flexible, tempoish stats and quite unique. 4/5
Improve Morale
Step 1: play Grommash,
Step 2: ping Grommash with this;
Step 3: Grommash gets mad as f***;
Step 4: this nets you a Witchy Lackey;
Step 5: attack with Grommash;
Step 6: use Lackey on Grommash and get King Krush;
Apxvoid's #1 Legend Tempo Mage (October 2018)
How is this s*** still called “TEMPO” Mage anyway?
#7 Legend Tempo Mage (Xilinhung)
Stop, and I mean, STOP, calling this abomination “Tempo” Mage;
It’s BURN Mage:
the plot is not to go for Board presence, it is to give the opponent’s face “presents”!
Token Shaman Theorycraft - Boomsday Project
I appreciate the feedback; originally I intended to use Beakered Lightning as a tech with Thalnos but that’d be better off in an Overload Shaman alongside Thalnos or a Spell Damage rolled Totem;
Earthen Might or more small Overload Spells are according to preferences I guess, as is Kalimos vs Hagatha; Shudderwock might also be an option as it makes for a potential 9 Mana 8/8-16/16-24/24 depending on when Thrall kicks off. Kalimos has synergy with Elementals, can provide a Board with the 1/1s (mind removals), Heals, Boardclear, Face damage; Hagatha relies on the resources you didn’t use yet by turn 8, which is why I didn’t include her and opted for the Witch’s Cauldron instead.
Frodan's Legend Odd Cube Warlock - July 2018
The perfect Mecha-Jaraxxus skin to go with build.
Replacement(s) for the Ratcatcher(s)?
Book of Specters
This, Would. Have. Been. A. Half. Decent. SHAMAN. SPELL.
Mother. F***ing. BLIZZARD!
Totem Cruncher
Draenei Totemcarver is MUCH better than this;
4 Mana, starts off as a 4/4 (as if it “ate” one Totem, without eating one), then gets a +1/+1 for Each Totem; if you have 2 Totems out by turn 4, you end up with a 4 Mana 6/6 WITHOUT destroying your totems and thus losing stats on the board.
This thing … I can’t believe Shaman would KEEP getting crap; this isn’t even Kharazan Priest level; is MUCH worse. It has been 2 (possibly 3) consecutive EXPANSIONS (135 new things EACH) of Shaman receiving garbage.
Unbound Elemental’s … ancestor, I guess; or grandson; I guess Elementals are more ancients than “human-like ghosts”
Fire Plume Harbringer might actually start to see constructed play now that some neat “combo” Elementals are showing up.
“Overload: (1)”; for a 1 Mana 2/1? Ugh. I miss Firefly already.