LuKeAA's Comments
Witch's Brew
My guessing as to why it does not read echo is to maintain an “consistant inconsistency” (yes, I said that) with the inconsistant Unstable Evolution which, for some reasons, was never given Echo.
By maintaining a “consistant inconsistancy” I guess they thought people would get less confused; instead, people still got confused, if not even more.
Other than that, Krag’wa combo will live on and Shaman gets more heals than Druid and Priest; plus the free Spells off Hagatha and discoveries can potentially grant more of these. I’m glad Shaman might be playable after so long.
Witch's Brew
Unstable Evolution and Witch’s Brew have the exact same wording so I have no idea what you’re going on about here: why would you not get 2+ copies off Krag’wa? Yes you will and yes I can’t wait to get that combo off. Healing for days is all I was looking for.
Unstable Evolution, you have been reincarnated!
Whirlwind Tempest
Who voted this so low?
With just a 2 + any minion card combo that the opponent did not/could not clear, means a devastating burst, which is what a Shaman Control could just need. I’m contemplating Dragon Shaman alot more now.
Not to mention, Elemental Shaman is rejoicing in Wild. To me, this + the Soup was more satisfactory than the whole Stream.
5/5. Such a game winning effect potential.
Rise of Shadows Final Card Reveal Livestream Card List - All Cards Revealed on Stream - April 3!
I wonder how Kibler is going to do without voice.
Underbelly Fence
Outstanding in Wild if you can curve it with Swashburglar > Patches turn 2 (unless you’re playing against Rogue) otherwise, it’s abit slower 2 drop with 3 drop stats.
It still brings support only if you opt to build an arguably funnier version of Rogue,
so 6/5.
Plot Twist
I think people confuse “Control” with “Combo” or “Value”;
there is a reason why it’s called “Control”; because it is meant to control something; that’d be, controlling the board;
now, before rotation, Control Warlock was a thing due to the great means at its disposal of shutting down aggressive plays/boards and of sustaining itself through “reliable” heals; Hellfire, Defile, Bloodreaver Gul’dan, Skull of the Manari with Voidlord, Good Taunts, Amethyst Spellstone, those were great control tools for the earlier game;
for lategame, Twisting Nether, Godfrey and just “curved out Voidlord” were more answers;
with the rotation, all of that early game board controlling (except Hellfire), is leaving; Shriek with the discard synergy is the only early game AoE that the Warlock has left (for now); I am not sure where other “aggressive fending” tools are listed but I can’t seem to find them;
now, if Warlock were getting some more “self-sustaining” and “board-controlling” tools, then this could potentially work as the lategame fatigue win condition vs other control decks; but for now, Warlock feels like in a rather struggling situation against Aggro.
Things might change in a couple of reveals, tho.
Plot Twist
People seem to be slightly over reacting about this. First of all:
– while Warlock has not much of a problem with card advantage, this still counts as losing hand advantage for 2 Mana (not suitable for Handlock like builds, without considering Zoo and/or other possible aggressive Warlock builds);
– Warlock is losing all of its good Control tools, all at once, which means that, at least upon release, this might struggle to find play (in standard);
– even then, this is a “2 Mana CAN do nothing”, as you may just draw what you returned or not draw into the outcome you needed;
That’s not saying that the thing looks bad; it does have some interesting shuffle applications and synergies:
– the new legendary comes to mind, which gives a “possible” Rush board (although everything else dies) for 10 mana;
– Elekk will apply a Dead Man’s Hand-like effect to this, shuffling extra copies of your hand whilst providing you with a new one; so as long as you have 2 Elekks and 2 copies of this, Plot Twist Warlock will be the new Dead Man’s Hand (albeit a worse and more inconsistant version of it, which never managed to shine in the first place).
Cool, but not mad OP/Broken/Busted. 3/5
4 Damage Pre-Nerfs Backstab for whoever chooses fun rogue approach?
That’s what I’m talking about!
6/5! Good design.
Catrina Muerte
EDIT: I’ll up my vote to 4/5 because she can speak Spanish; that’s always good to include in your resumè.
Catrina Muerte
While Kel’Thuzad can bring you back a whole board, this only 1 minion; that one minion could have died anytime throughout the game. By the end of the turn, you are getting a minion back.
This expansion is going full ham on trying to disrupt OTK/Combo builds!
Hory Sheet, 3/5.
-1 Shadow Essence on a Minion with counter-synergy with Shudderwock.
I really hate that counter-synergy.
Probably because of the Battlecry; the Deathrattle impact makes Deathlord less immediate, even if the effect is the same as Deathlord.
Is this the Neutral “Dirty Rat” we were promised?
Huh … Well, from the Deck and from the Hand has quite the discrepancies, but overall, it can do the job.
3/5 because Dirty Rat was just awesome.
Crystal Power
This one confuses the “living Mana” out of Fandral.
4/5 for the usual 1 Mana Druid decent Spell.
Unstable Evolution:
“Transform a friendly minion into one that costs (1) more. REPEATABLE THIS TURN.”
Witch’s Brew:
“Restore 4 Health. REPEATABLE THIS TURN.”
But I think the misunderstanding has already been cleared.