joeydungee's Comments
New Avatars from Rise of Shadows
You should totally add the funny face from the Mage secret Splitting Image!
New Avatars from Rise of Shadows
This is awesome! I’m so glad you guys decided to update the avatars this time!
Barista Lynchen
Barista Lynchen: 5 Mana 4/5 “When this card is spoiled, cast Mass Hysteria on the internet”
Controlling Chef (Control Mill Shaman) (Rise of Shadows)
So it’s just to make him harder to remove, since you have to do it twice? I can see your thought process behind that. It still seems clunky, especially considering Nomi doesn’t guarantee you the win.
Controlling Chef (Control Mill Shaman) (Rise of Shadows)
I don’t see the point of having ancestral spirit in the deck. It only revives the minion it enchants, it doesn’t return the minion to your hand.
Also, some other cards don’t seem to serve any purpose, either. Blazing Invocation is probably too unreliable, and Earthen Might can’t work with too much here.
It looks like the 5 health can be distributed over the course of many turns, making the resurrection easier
Archmage Vargoth
That’s a good point. I still wouldn’t be surprised if a control priest (with dragons) with a potential mindblast+Vargoth combo win con saw some play
Archmage Vargoth
Turn 9 Alexstrazsa
Turn 10 Vargoth+ 2 mindblasts, then end of turn Vargoth casts the final lethal mindblast
Archmage Vargoth
Do you think it could make it’s way into mindblast priest? Since it’s losing shadow visions, the extra mindblasts vargoth casts could win you the game
Nine Lives
Post-rotation, Hunter is only left with two deathrattle class-cards (spiderbomb and Savannah highmane). There are obviously good neutral deathrattles that would combo well with this (mechanical welp, cairne) but I think we need to see some more powerful class deathrattles for this to go anywhere. Right now, oblivitron aint gonna cut it.
Walking Fountain
This card seems cool, but the name doesn’t match the picture at all! It looks nothing like a fountain, but more like a Kobold rock monster. Also, no legs so it can’t walk
HSTD Lunar New Year Giveaway - 5 Lunar New Year Bundles
No problem, I just thought I would ask!
HSTD Lunar New Year Giveaway - 5 Lunar New Year Bundles
Would you consider the $20 for 15 packs option, maybe from Rastakhan’s Rumble, for winners who have already received the Lunar New Year bundle?
Rastakhan Post-Nerf Odd Quest Warrior - #1 Legend (Draz, Zalae)
You can still play him in regular or dragon odd warrior. He just contradicts the quest reward, so play him instead of the quest (and less taunt synergy)
Primordial Gylph is similar to this hero power, and it was played all the time.