joeydungee's Comments
Amber Watcher
Paladin has received mech, healing, dragon, reborn, and 1-health synergies for the most recent standard block.
It’s nice to see another combination of at least two of these things.
Kronx Dragonhoof
At the time of writing, we don’t know what the shaman Galakrond will be.
That being said, Shudderwock/double battlecry quest with this could potentially be very scary
Tavern Brawl Disabled Until Tomorrow (November 14th), Will Return as a Different Brawl
That’s so bush league. What cards were you using?
Tavern Brawl Disabled Until Tomorrow (November 14th), Will Return as a Different Brawl
Yeah, I totally agree. These brawls give people the chance to rack up gold before the next expansion, so I really hope the replacement brawl is a similar brawliseum.
Doom in the Tomb Theorycraft Decks - How To Use The Upcoming Wild Cards in Standard
Looks like nzoth is missing from some of the “nzoth” decks
Jan'Alai Hand Mage
This is a really cool, unique idea! I really enjoyed the conjurer’s-janalai mage prior to Mana cyclone, and this harkens back to that.
I’m sad to see so many downvotes on this neat deck, probably just because it’s not tier one and takes advantage of unusual cards like clockwork automaton and jar dealer.
+1 from me and good work!
Hakkar Mischief Maker Combo! - MarkMcKz
This is such a unique and cool idea! And it utilizes cards like espionage, mischief maker, and hakkar, which don’t usually see play!
Control Warrior - #1 Legend (Bunyhoppor) - Uldum Post-Nerf
I think because it’s nothing new, and people hate the deck
Saviors of Uldum Post-Nerf Decks - Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
Not sure about your original question, but you can craft cards from adventures
Saviors of Uldum Post-Nerf Decks - Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
This Quest Shaman deck got me from rank 9-5 with an 80% winrate. Unfortunately, i haven’t played against any Hunter decks yet, so I can’t say how it plays against them, but it performs well against tempo Warrior, quest Druid, and Rogue.
Zephrys is Getting Smarter (Again) With the Upcoming Balance Patch - Interview with Celestalon
I agree with you that making neutral cards that are just good and required is not necessarily healthy for the game (maybe like the lich King or ziliax). But the bug difference is that most of the time, you need to build your deck around zephrys (minus decks like tip the scales that just use him to find lethal after self-milling).
However, I don’t think zephrys is simply a lucky win card. When compared with the new card vulpera scoundrel, if she gave you fireball lethal, that would be considered lucky and rng. When zephrys gives it to you, you might have to set your opponent to 6 health, or do something so that zephrys knows which card you want.
The big difference between random discover cards and zephrys is that zephrys will give you something specific and good if you help him out (such as clearing off some minions, or spending Mana so that he’ll give you cheaper cards), which makes him less about luck and more about skill
Saviors of Uldum August 26 Nerf Patch - Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Conjurer's Calling, Extra Arms and Barnes!
I’m not sure that just making Dr. Boom cost 9 is the answer here. I’m glad they didn’t HoF him, cause I feel like that sets a dangerous precedent of “this card is annoying now, so just delete it” (although it was necessary for Baku and Genn). I wish they would have changed the battlecry, or nerfed Omega Assembly to “Discover a Mech”.
As for Barnes, I don’t play Wild as much as Standard, but I feel like making him cost more than Shadow Essence (like 7 mana) would have been perfect. It would have made Barnes worse than Shadow Essence (4/5 + unusable body in res pool versus 5/5 stats) but still playable in some cases.
Overall I think these nerfs will be effective (especially to Mage and Priest), but I really don’t think they solved the Warrior problem. Only time will tell!
Also, I’m thinking that they left Murloc Paladin untouched because they see a low cost Tip the Scales as something that doesn’t happen that often. It’s similar to Shudderwock and the original Rogue Quest: something that was annoying to play against when your opponent got everything right, but ultimately not a game-breaking element across the board (don’t kill me)
HSTD's Saviors of Uldum Giveaway! Win One Of The Ten Standard Pre-Purchase Bundles of 50 Packs!
Stonekeep, it’s days like this that I don’t envy you. Be patient everyone!
Zephrys the Great
It gives you three cards (chosen from basic and classic) to best fit your situation. In the reveal stream, in turn 2 it gave Kibler animal companion, wild growth, and brightwing. When he was against a full board, it gave him two board wipes and a taunt minion to choose from.
Bone Wraith
Looks like the paladin quest is going to survive on neutral minions alone. Or it’s just not going to work
The art and inconspicuous nature remind me a lot of ornithopter from magic the gathering.