JasonVought's Comments
Piranha Poacher
If this survives two turns, that’s 2 Piranha Swarmers for 2 + 1 rush damage. 3 turns = 3 + 2 + 1 all at once. It’ll be hard to keep for three turns, but with Murloc buffs, this can be centralized and used for serious AOE later down the game.
Sir Finley, Sea Guide
With deck trackers, the amount of mind that this can conjure is just great. Love cards that make you think.
Voyage to the Sunken City Card Reveal Season Starts... Today! Final Reveals on April 5
Ever since Witchwood, Frozen Throne and perhaps earlier – I longed for an ocean’s themed expansion. After playing Hearthstone, dutifully Wild since Grand Tournament, for 19 expansions my wish finally comes true. The images on these reveals look great.
Ambassador Faelin
We’ve only seen two Colossal minions, from different classes. As a general rule, they get put to the back of your deck. But with ample means to draw them out (Taelan, Sphere of Sapience, Lorekeeper Polkelt), besides getting three huge board minions, you get 3 additional cards for a little anti-mill, can be buffeted of course with repeated Battlecries. I’m thinking Shaman, I’m thinking toss this into a Shudderwock deck, even Highlander as the three will likely be different. As we get more Colossal minions in the future expansions, will get even better.
The stricter alternative would be,
Highlander, with cheaper Zephrys, Kazakus, Reno of course. Load deck with cheap, removal neutral minions and removal Warlock spells. Wyrmest to convert minions into random Warlock cards. Renounce Darkness to turn all Warlock cards (after having played Expired Merchant, ideally on Kazakusan) into random cards of one of the 9 other classes. Lady Prestor to turn the random minions from 1 of the other 9 classes into random dragons (of any class). Kazakusan then activated to convert whatever you have remaining in your deck into 10 Treasures. As final backup Archivist Elysiana for 10 final meme cards. Yogg, Yogg 2.0. Of course play with the order for the class-minion-card combinations. This is just great, thank you Blizzard (I’ve been playing Wild for memes since Grand Tournament)
Lady Prestor, Vanndar Stormpike, Polkelt, Expired Merchant can attain multiple copies, multiple decks. Heck make it renounce darkness while you’re at it, and toss in Wyrmrest Purifier for guaranteed at some point between random Warlock cards, random other class cards, random dragons, then Discovered Treasures. Archivist Elysiana for backup and the decks are swabbed, ahoy!
I’m just going to say, in Wild Sphere of Sapience is a NECESSITY with Dredge and all these bottom of your decks.