JasonVought's Comments
This is actually kind of insane. Kazakusan is rolling in his nest, happy.
Doctor Holli'dae
Like Cookie the Cook, a card whose value is only seen by its full use (in the cook’s case, by resummons from N’Zoth and Shudderwock).
Doctor Holli'dae
Agreed. With Shudderwock, ultimately you can deal 2 damage 18 times, and summon 2 each of 1/1s to 9/9s frog taunts. Clever inclusion by Blizzard for us control, attrition players.
Walking Mountain
So, 16 heal on one turn. A rival to Blightblood Berserker and palatable with Thunderbringer. SO worth playing up a turn for, and if you summon in other ways that cost less than 9 mana, insane. Summon copies… and it’s incredible. Liking the additions of this, Giant Tumbleweed, and Amphibious Elixir to the set (the Staff of the Nine Frogs I’m crafting for the memes)
Infinitize the Maxitude
This with Love Everlasting (in a game that gives you one from the other class) can BE FIRE
Crowd Surfer
I think with certain AOE effects, this can lead to a beautiful explosion. Deidara would be pleased.
Worgen Roadie
I’m gonna try tossing it into my Highlander Shaman deck for the added battlecries (as anti-aggro and anti-resurrect priest)
Naval Mine
The fact that Rogue can construct a deck entirely built to OTK with this guy shows the problems with Hearthstone.
Really creative! Can enact a bunch of synergies with not only itself, but the summoned Mechs.
Sir Finley, Sea Guide
Why is no one mentioning that this works perfectly with Kazakusan?
Azsharan Scroll
For my extraordinary Highlander Unicorn Shaman deck, the Sphere is absolutely essential. In good control decks where every card means something, it’s a good way to postpone the late-game cards, or even a strong anti-self-Hakkar control, allowing you to abuse Hakkar against your opponent and even still play Reno, Zephrys on your own.
Glugg the Gulper
Agreed. I’d only give it 2/5 because of Schooling and the various Rush (Galakrond) mechanics Shaman is equipped with.
Queen Azshara
I agree, Danz. I think this card is actually overrated, or at least in strong control decks.
Abyssal Depths
This is definitely supposed to combo Sir Finley, and then you have 5 mana remaining to use the bottom of your deck.
Azsharan Scroll
Must be noted, that the Sphere can put 4 cards at the bottom of your deck, thereby PUSHING UP cards you’ve already put at the bottom of your deck. With Deck Tracker, O! the strategy.
Laughably insane