fareh's Comments
Goboglide Tech
Hmmm no thanks, seems nice but mech decks dont need this, in hunter we have the 2/1 +1/+1 deathrattle trigger for example, and that card is a pain in the ass many times, so this is a good card, but not a needed one in mech decks
Yeah this could carry a game on itself if not checked… pretty tasty for mech decks
Hmm this needs experimentation but could be a lot better than first sight. In aggro-dragon-non-murloc decks could be a nice option, is just 3 bodies for 5, and on average pretty much like the hunter card that summon 2×2/2 if you control a secret… And that card is pretty good
Depth Charge
Not to mention after quest complete, give +3/+3 to this, and should survive even 2 more turns… not sure if worth it, but doable…
This is nothing like Tyrant, 2 different approaches.
This is good Even with a Blizzard. This helps to stabilize boards early/medium, and late to setup Big plays
Andy why would You want to cast dragons Fury out of this just to kill the drgaoncaster?
Ok now we are talking… At this point i Think a control Dragon Mage will be almost a tier 1 deck, there is no way this is not bonkers… A Kalecgos at 6, even if for 1 turn is a pretty power move
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Update - November 19 - 4 New Heroes, MMR Changes, Junkbot Nerf, Buffs to Coldlight Seer, Primalfin Lookout and Voidlord
Actually i see brann as the new mukla, since You commit to battlecrys almost always and Will be a consistent buff all the time. Nice early and late Game development.
Elise Will be much like AFK… But worse because You get 4 or 5 Minions for free, but they are recruited, not discovered, si pretty much Random Minions
Finley could be good also, but don’t know because You could put the buff on the Minion You want to sell and basically just wasted 1 gold. Could potentially show ball massively in the end Game tho…
Evasive Drakonid
The taunt rez pool it’s actually better than this card, there is no need for a beefy card like this, but we Will see …
Time Rip
No Will not, infinite value is crap if it’s rng… This Will not be viable, at least not as a serious contender
Learn Draconic
I think You are thinking You have to spend the 8 mana in 1 turn, no You can spend in múltiple turns, so You can for eg cast frostbolt and next turn a blizzard and left a 6/6 behind
could be a really good aggro card, especially if you add a divine shield or something in there…