fareh's Comments
Educated Elekk
and you must be very naive if you dont see the epic cards are always the money maker for blizzard. The power lvl on average on the epic cards are really low, with lots of crap cards.
And this is super bad, there is no right deck for it. Why would you shuffle cards again in your deck from your and your opponents deck?
Unless in some combo deck, there is just no way this is good, unless you count a beast with a very rng effect good
Argent Braggart
Maybe if the wording is something strange and copies 1 stat for attack and defense if its the highest, or something like that is better, so if your oponent drop a malygos or something you get a 12/12, but i dont think thats the case
Argent Braggart
disagree, so far crap cards, only 2 or 3 good and the rest is completely trash. The hype is damn high.
And this card is bad too, you need another big minion to make it work. Paladin aggro doesnt like big cost minions. It just copy its stats, so it basically is like the +4/+4 card, blessing of kings.
Its playable maybe, but it is not op by any means
Professor Slate
Great card for the wrong class
No way they are going to show us an aoe hunter spell, so this will reduce to rapid fire sheanigans. Not worth it. 3/5
Argent Braggart
I think it will just copy the highest stats minion, so it will have just about the same value as a a blessing of kings if thats the case
Educated Elekk
another epic for the garbage bin… blizzard should remove the epic quality if they are pursuing this level on epics…
Brain Freeze
The page should not let us vote without a comment or something…
This is a 2 star card… 3 if you are on hype mode… cmon ppl
Sphere of Sapience
5 stars, period, auto craft for every deck until rotates.
Ok, the only decks that do not want this are those with weapons in their comp.
Totally agree. I will go even further and say this is on the same level, if not worse, than skull of guldan… totally joke card that anyone can see its broken without even playtesting it
Flesh Giant
I think this can be as good as the old giants…
Even in actual quest lock can be good. Between the HP and the healing, this can be reduced to 0-2 in no time
Can You Combo in Ashes of Outland – Theorycrafting Decks for the New Expansion
The druid one will get a lot of experimentation for sure. My only concern in that list is having too many creatures for satyr to hit effectively, and not ading Faceless Manipulator for consistency, but for sure there is a lot of room to experiment.
Druid and Mage Spell-only Theorycrafts - Putting the "Spell" in "Spellcaster"
Sorry but these will not work, the mage one was already tried on twitch and wins only on amazing rng.
The druid one is just bad, you dont have resilience like old token druid… if your oppo focus on killing your 2/2 you are as good as dead as you cant generate and soul the forest on the same turn, only with glowfly, wich is the only card that can give you any win ocasionally
I really hope the new cards make Quest Hunter viable again