DyingHawk's Comments
Skulking Geist
it is so basically anyone can have the card if it was legendary jade druid would still reign supreme in the lower ranks.
Devour Mind
Priest is my favorite class and It felt so good to see Ungoro make it so much more powerful. Apparently, KOTFS just threw that out the window and decided priest would get all the meme test cards.
Righteous Protector
This weakens the power of howling commander in a divine shield deck. Another reason to not play him.
Corpse Widow
Can everyone one not see this allows you to dump your hand in a class that cannot replenish it? If your opponent clears your board your fucked.
Prince Valanar
worse corpse taker with a huge downside, why would you run this over corpse taker?
Animated Berserker
Just for reference this is what this enables.
8 mana 10/8 charge
2 mana 5/2
3 mana 4/2 windfury
4 mana 5/4
4 mana 5/5 taunt
1 mana 2/2
5 mana 4/6 gain +2 attack when it takes damage
3 mana 3/3 gain +1 attack when a minion takes damage
really only cards it makes better are the one with the taunt and grom which are not going to be played while this is still alive, not very good.
you can fix the stats by playing a ticking abomination the turn before or a few turns before and then trading it away when this drops, unfortunately, that makes the deck awful with N’zoth.
but you give the 5/5 to your opponent first and then have to trade into it, it’s a pretty shit combo. And that isn’t even taking into account keeping him around for a turn.