DyingHawk's Comments
Seeping Oozeling
The problem with cube is it loses you lot’s of tempo in exchange for value, Because hunter has so little good removal, hunter’s tempo is crucial and the cube likely would just end up leading to the hunter’s death rather than giving them the huge value storm your thinking of.
Seeping Oozeling
At best hits Highmane? Abominable Bowman, Kathreena, Rat pack, bloatbat, and skelemancer are all better in my opinion. It provides huge value and probably will be a one of in big hunter if that ends up being a deck.
Spiteful Summoner
also paladin that only runs spikeridge. Otherwise classes are too reliant on cheap spells.
Spiteful Summoner
Only Class I can see this being good in is a hunter that only runs call of the wild, in which case it is completely busted.
The Runespear
It’s fantastic, you may have a few duds of three one target removals but there are so many good spells and so much potential value the card is great. Aluneth on the other hand is hot garbage…
Lesser Mithril Spellstone
This is So easy to activate it is basically always summon three five fives for 7 and I think we should judge it based on that. Not broken by any means but definitely not garbage.
Deck Recipes (Rogue): Jades of Death
even though your running 13 deathrattles it’s still not good enough for roll the bones.
Deck Recipes (Paladin): Shields of the Light
what is this supposed to be? it has a weird mix of aggro and control cards. No spikeridge steed and no skelemancer if it’s a control deck. and no small hand recruits and other 1-drops if it’s aggro. Seems to need more focus.
Deck Recipes (Mage): Fire and Ice
nice idea but this will never see play, way too slow, especially without ice block.
Deck Recipes (Hunter): Deathtrap Deck List
cut arfus, way too weak in an aggro deck.
Deck Recipes (Hunter): The Eternal Hunt
Problem with only running a few beasts is you could get the hyenas off highmane as your deathrattle of the bowman. if you have highmain, two hyenas, and a corpse widow die the bowman has a 50% to drag back a one-drop, not great. I think the bowman or the highmane need to be replaced. Most likely bowman.
there is a warlock card that kills two minions and their random and the card discards two cards, a card that destroys two minions and costs the same as assassinate would be the best removal in the game by a margin bigger than the second best card to the worst.
Druid of the Swarm
slightly worse stone hill or gastropod for the benefit of flexibity. I approve
Uther of the Ebon Blade
I think we found the use for taladram, have a horseman, play faceless, taladram, hero power and win the game.
Blood razor? Whirlwind? Animated Beserker? taskmaster? Even inner rage if you only run one, there are plenty more activators.
but remember you can play the apprentices and molten reflections when you get them so He can’t get the combo off when he ransoms his deck back.