crapcrack's Comments
Wellofsouls Control Hunter KFT
Yes i have, Explosive trap is super strong against aggro and Explosive shot is better than Multi shot because u can choose targets
Fr0zen/Purple's KFT Dead Man's Fatigue Warrior
ofc it can beat control priest, but it depends if they run Archbishop Benedictus because the will go on super long if that’s the case. Its decent on ladder but super slow to rank with, don’t expect to hit legend tho’, rank 5-1 tops
TurtleHermit's Technical Control Warlock
Im not gonna lie, this deck sucks why include eater of secrets? lul
Standard demonlock is way better
Wellofsouls Control Hunter KFT
First of all Explosive shot is better than Multi shot. Where is Explosive trap?
[Wild] KoTFT Reno Mage
Archmage Antonidas? Flamestrike? Inkmaster Solia? Barnes? Dr Boom? Emperor Thaurissan? Loatheb? Medivh? Ragnaros? Sneeds old shredder? The Lich king? Duplicate?
This deck should include some of these amazing cards
Control Burn priest
Try the black knight, Shadowreaper Anduin or Elise, i would also take out acolyte of agony since its garbage. And why is there 2 pint size potions but only 1 shadow word horror? this deck needs improvment
Peperaso Agro Water Face Priest High Legend (Over 85% WINRATE)
learn 2 play ? i’ve played hs since beta so i’m pretty experienced, and i tried this deck in high legend. This deck cannot hve 85% winrate, more like 15% probably. it’s a meme
KFT Badger's Tempo DK warrior
Lich king, korkron elite, malkorok, Rotface. Also Cairne serves no purpose and is kinda slow so i would suggest u swap it
QQOOZ's Frozen Throne Mill Rogue
Betrayal is garbage, i would play shadow strike instead, also no si7 agents? swashburglar?
Wild Tempo Warrior! - Knights of the Frozen Throne
Bloodhoof brave? Cruel Taskmaster? Inner rage? Malkorok? Mountainfire armor? Rotface? i can
mention much more that would fit in
Peperaso Agro Water Face Priest High Legend (Over 85% WINRATE)
Garbage how the f*ck can this meme deck hva 85% winrate??? evidence.
Quest Warrior Unfatigue
yeah take out prince valanar, the card is not good at all blood razors is way better. Also take out Forge of souls since u don’t wanna draw weapons, pure draw is critical in quest warrior. 1. Replace valanar with another Acolyte.
2. Replace forge of souls with scourgelord garrosh.
3. Replace shieldslam with another sleep with fishes
80% Winrate Hadronox Druid [Fresh Meta]
yeaaa no spreading plague? also why run psych-o-tron and sunwalker? This deck will get worse and worse as u climb the ranks trust me, there is a reason why also i.protector does’nt see play,
LUL this is a copy of P4wnyhof’s deck