crapcrack's Comments
[KNC] Daboss212's Reno Mage
Yeah Reno mage is a super solid deck, i was a little surprised that u had 100 % winrate against Reno priest since Priest is favored. I also have a version that i am very successful with, try cutting Baron geddon 4 Rhonin, cut something else 4 Malygos and Emperor thaurissan and u get a semi otk deck that took me 2 Legend in Wild 🙂
Why r u not playing with Old murk eye!? No Acolyte or Loot hoarde either lul so ur only (real) card draw is Solemn vigil…
warlock, warlock, warlock
Why do u play with Patches without Bloodsail corsair??? Ur only other pirate is Southsea captain (which basically is a 3/3) instead why not cut all pirates and add a second Acherus veteran. Darkshire librarian is super good 2, Silverware golem is solid also.
KaC Malygos OTK (Theorycraft)
Yeah the first thing i thought of was also a Malygos otk deck when they revealed Kobold Illusionist. I would cut all unnecessary minions tho’ like Shadowcaster and Si:7 Agent and add Sap, Vanish or Backstab.
Wild Face Hunter (1.0)
Why run Ironbeak owl instead of Spellbreaker (which is way better) ? U also have 0 card draw so why not play Flare ? 2 Glaivezooka instead of 2 Eagle. bow is better, also why not run Tracking?
Aggro druid
omg to counter aggro rogue u don’t need a doomsayer, u just have to trade well and be more aggressive (favorable trades). Trust me 1 living mana is not enough, what will u do when u rely on top deck situations? I reach Legend rank regularly, trust my advices.
Aggro druid
wtf? why on earth would u run doomsayer in a aggro deck???? Also why only 1 Living mana?
Guild Recruiter
lul i did not say “Tempo Shaman”, i said it’s a good tempo card. This card is good in a big Shaman with high cost minions, 4 mana 7/7’s and removal spells.
Reno Priest (Wild)
solid, Reno priest is my favorite wild deck and i like what u have come up with.
Malygos Control Hunter
Why not run Deadly shot because u have no big removal. This deck also lacks card draw so maybe Flare, Kings elekk, Acolyte or Loot hoarder could be good. Power shot is much better than Ex. shot and Freezing trap is much better than Bear trap tempo wise
Guild Recruiter
yeah exactly u don’t get overloaded, u gain tempo and i personally think Guild Recruiter works best 4 Shaman
Control Warrior - Marin The Fox
there’s a reason why Ironforge portal don’t see play. Also it’s better to run 2 dead mans hand to counter fatigue, win vs another cntrl warrior and gain extra value (maybe battle rage 4 draw). Armorsmith’s is another great card or Slam??? Doomsayer feels a bit unnecessary…
Absolute garbage