Chocobo's Comments
Benevolent Djinn
you kids really live on some parallel universe right ?
Blackguard ? did i saw right ? elemental paladin ?
wut ?
these are some of the lamest comobo suggestions ive ever seen.
2/5 card
Arcane Artificer
tier 3 card gets everyone exited.
1 drop that is absolute garbage up to turn 8.
Really dangerous mechanic.
Tempo or Combo mages will run this for sure.
Of course there will be some noobs killing themselves with fatigue too but who cares.
Psychic Scream
Not really worth on stats since 2 mana are woth of 3/3 in stats.But you give the 2 mana after a turn or two.So you may gain tempo.
Id say the 1/1 in stats over a vanilla 4 drop is balanced with this deathrattle.
What draws my attention is the dragon deathrattle tag.That makes for 2 dragons with deathrattle which makes perfect Nzoth Dragon deck.
Not to mention this on 4, Operative on 5,Bonedrake on 6..
I will surely test it.
Hoarding Dragon
Lets see.You are giving the opponent 2 mana.2 mana is worth of at least 2/3 stats but you would not put a vanilla 2/3 minion in deck without a good effect.So we can say that 2 mana is actually worth 3/3 stats.
A vanilla 4 drop has 4/5.So for 2 mana instead of 7/8 you have 5/6, only a 1/1 upgrade.Thats only if we see that purely on stats.
But considering how important tempo is the 1/1 may be not be bad.
You are giving the value via deathrattle meaning the opponent may have that 2 mana after 2 turns.
The greatest thing about this card is deathrattle dragon tag.4 mana this , 5 mana Operative , 6 mana Bone Drake…and maybe Nzoth for a finisher ?
I will surely try this card.
Arcane Tyrant
Its surely dead up to turn 5.And if you dont have a high cost spell by then it still dead.
It seems like im saying that only to you because you are a bad player.
What rank are you again ?
Carnivorous Cube
This card seems really powerful.
It actually is.But the problem is its too slow.
The minions you have to combo this with are all above 6 mana.Obviously you need to destroy some deathrattle minion to have value.Otherwise its just a huge tempo loss destroying one of your minions and waiting for a couple of turns to be able to summon two copies of them. Thats too slow and tou ll probably lose bu then.
Not to mention that even if this card saw play then people would run more silences so think of the huge loss destroying your own minion and then having Cube silenced.So this card after the meta settles would only work with huge deathrattle tha instantly do something like Carne or Sylvanas.
Arcane Tyrant
Ok so this clearly can see some play in turns where you absolutely need big board clear followed by some board presence.
The bad side is that its a dead card up to turn 5 which by then you may be too far behind.
But huge tempo swings with cards like firelands portal . And having the elemental tag which allows for maybe a Blazecaller to follow up ?
Interesting card i wish it wasnt epic though since epics now seem more rare than legendary. And wasting 800 dust to playtest and realize it was a mistake feels bad.
I know right.. but i think past the jade meta.
After jades , raza and Ysharj rotate (in 4 months)there will be again room for big decks and warrior has a lot of removal to control game from start to finish.Brawls , Fishes , Whirlwing , DK Garosh , Execute , Weapons like Blood Razor( that may be combo with the new Spellstone) and also has great taunts.
I really think this deck will be viable.
But as i said not now that other big decks have so much more ways to summon their big minions.