Axiom11154's Comments
Mok'Nathal Lion
This is actually the perfect replacement for Lifedrinker in Face Hunter
it’s the same mana cost, and fits exactly what face hunter wants to do.
It’s a 5/2 Rush minion that can copy the deathrattle of a Leper Gnome, Kobold Sandtrooper, or Teron Gorefiend.
This also works well with the new Druid legendary, Ysiel Windsinger.
Play Ysiel and Germination with 10 mana. You only need one of them to survive.
Germination + Archmage Vargoth = 8 Mana, summon 4 Vargoth (8/24 in stats and 6/18 of it has taunt.)
plus the free spells each one casts if they live for 1 turn.
Imprisoned Antaen
Play it on turn 5 and it will activate at the start of your turn 7
Not sure if you will be able to attack with it that turn or not (previous Dormant cards like Sherazin and Lucentbark were not able to attack the turn they awakened)
could potentially be 8/5 rush if you draw it with the new card “Scavenger’s Ingenuity”