8BitBrain's Comments
Amnesiac's #1 Legend Kobolds Warlock Demon Zoo ft. Corridor Creeper
too costly to fit. sea giant and dire wolf and more are better zoo cards
Kingsbane Mill Rogue Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - March 2018
Yeah, I’m fairly sure. If not, then it’s a terrible card in this deck XD
Sjoesie's Krul Kazakus Highlander Warlock (November 2017)
I’ve tried the combo out myself, and I also don’t think Krul is amazing, but it works as a late game card/some slow tempo
Dark Pact
You can just run an egg or two and it fits nicely with handlock and molten giant
Sjoesie's Krul Kazakus Highlander Warlock (November 2017)
Sulking geist is good too.
Sjoesie's Krul Kazakus Highlander Warlock (November 2017)
Problem is that jaraxxus limits bloodreaver’s regaining health to 15. Krul is still a 7/9, and with a doomguard for instance, it’s good value + immediate effect + reaver re summon value. It’s still better than Jaraxxus, especially since Jaraxxus is so slow.
Furbolg Mossbinder
I am quite sure, instances when a potion of madness-ed minion is transformed causes them to lose all buffs and effects, including the return to you opponent’s board.
Dragon's Fury
So it activates like a hellfire rather than a volcano, didn’t know that. A lot better this way, much more OP
Dragon's Fury
I actually don’t see the power of this card; trying not to run frostbolts, fireballs, polymorphs, glyphs, secrets, etc seems way too much of a cost to play a less effective volcano.
The Final Card Reveal Stream for Kobolds & Catacombs with Ben Brode and Day9 - December 4th, 2017!
Handlocks got their spellstone, and it’s almost a antique healbot in some rare situations, so that’s one deck to look forward to 🙂
Skull of the Man'ari
Well handlock uses it nicely, with some abbysals and dreadlords. Nice with sun fury protector backing it up, and it also works with shadow flame. It is 5 mana, but a drake or giant can fill in the missing stats perfectly. Or Doomsayers/defile/hellfire/nether one turn before sets up for this card pretty well. It’s not a 5/5, but it can still snowball in handlock.
Windshear Stormcaller
I disagree, a 5 mana 5/5 is bad, but playable. It isn’t a card like cataclysm, where it’s often generating terrible value at best.
Kobold Librarian
Really like the concept of warlock right now, this is a cool card to have fun with, and it brings back zoolock (which isn’t really that annoying of a deck to play against in the first place)
Lesser Amethyst Spellstone
cool, but not quite as op in handlock as it may seem. still a nice mechanic for a card and still 4/5 or so! 🙂
Tempo Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
cobalt scalebane is pretty nice as a filler card
Voidlords + guldan and oakheart are op. Hopefully you don’t draw homunculus early, but abyssal enforcers are usually hard to play with the battlecry, so cheating it out works alright. It isn’t crucial to activate your spellstones either. Voillords are needed, 2 of them.