8BitBrain's Comments
Power Word: Replicate
They’re giving priest the shaman treatment; raza control shadowreaper priest was absolutely not fun to play against. Now that shadowreaper decks are much worse, they want to keep the class relatively low power so the deck doesn’t somehow rise back up to being OP and infuriating to play against.
Power Word: Replicate
I can’t see a main reason to play this card at all; faceless manipulator is more flexible and often yields better stats. Plus this card has below pit fighter stats and isn’t useful to the deathrattle priest, shadowreaper, or inner fire priest decks.
Power Word: Replicate
From a player standpoint and a company viewpoint it’d be beneficial for the new cards to be better than the older cards
Augmented Elekk
inb4 the animation stops players from taking any of their turn (doubt it, but it would be enraging)
On a more serious note, it’s not necessarily game changing when played with most combos, but very useful. Comparable to how gnomeferatu was really good when hitting the right cards, this can be good with crazy combos, but combos that really mattered much only (For instance, Academic Espionage asap, or faldorei strider)
The Boomsday Project Guide - Release Date, Card Spoilers List, Pre-Purchase
You just gave an example, of which there are many instances of where Rin isn’t drawn early enough to summon azari and delete the opponent’s deck. It has to be drawn at least 5 turns before the opponent draws their own deck, and Rin can be polymorphed, silenced, copied, hexed, etc. And you can play around it by applying pressure against it. Also you can win games with no deck, like in the case of shudderwock shaman…
Boommaster Flark
flark baron geddon is… not a reliable combo but it’s funny to ponder
Omega Medic
basically worse darkmender; doesn’t fit with the curve as well and 3 mana 3/4 on 10 mana is weak
Autodefense Matrix
probably doesn’t pop; like how get down doesn’t work with 7 minions on board
Weaponized Pinata
Forgot that this is basically mechanized shifting shade, so it’s not terrible…
Demonic Project
strangest dirty rat card I’ve ever seen. Seems OP vs maly druid if dropped at the correct time. It’s like Rebuke, but if it goes off correctly, it hurts all of the enemy’s turns after that.
Omega Agent
Alternatively, it’s good in a midrangey warlock like Malygoslock, but not that great in Handlock
Omega Agent
Although, cutting the demon package from zoolock (maybe for a mech package) and just using these is probably enough late game just by itself
Reckless Experimenter
Well it’s not really zoo; egg hunter isn’t zoo and it’s not a terrible deck
Is the art awful?