Zombie69's Comments
History of Class And Archetype Popularity Since Whispers Of The Old Gods (Official Data)
Usually? Before this expansion, it hadn’t happened for 5 straight expansions! Talk about dishonest interpretation. The most popular class within that span had a 24.43% representation, nowhere near 30%.
Iksar's Twitter Q&A #38 Summary - Microsoft Acquisition, Tournament Mode, Arena Future, Naxx in Classic, Dust Incident And More!
Funny, he strikes me as the most responsive, in touch and community engaged one I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been working in games for 15 years and playing them for much longer. You, on the other hand, strike me as one of the most entitled players who’s out of touch with how game development works.
Any Hope for Priest and Mage? The Best Decks for the Two Weakest Classes!
No, it’s an exception if it happens in a small minority of cases, which it does. For the most part, high skill cap and low skill ceiling are memes not based on facts. Vicious Syndicate evaluates the learning curve on decks and most are very similar. Recent exceptions include Garrote Rogue (difficult to play well) and Pirate Warrior (very easy to master, not much room for good players to show their skill).
But if you want to keep on ignoring the data and just spew insults, be my guest. Makes you look far worst than the person you’re trying to insult.
Any Hope for Priest and Mage? The Best Decks for the Two Weakest Classes!
The reason high legend stats are the most relevant in general is partly because they usually tell what will happen a week or two later at lower ranks, as deck improvements start there and eventually trickle down. There are exceptions of course, with some decks being simply easier to play and never doing anywhere near as well against good players. Quest Warrior is one such exception.
Still, saying that mage is a weak class when it’s everywhere right now in tournaments, while Warrior is by far the weakest class in the game in the hands of good players, is misleading. Mage isn’t intrinsically weak, it’s just not being played very well by most players.
Also, nerfs tend to be geared more towards high level play and how good decks are in the hands of good players, again with some exceptions with regards to cards that just feel bad to play against.
For all those reasons, high legend is usually the best starting point, certainly to discuss a deck’s strength at least. I know that’s not what this website is geared towards and I think that’s a shame, and that’s why I only visit it once in a while to find out about recent news I might have missed.
Any Hope for Priest and Mage? The Best Decks for the Two Weakest Classes!
Weird that you would call them the two weakest classes in the game. According to the latest VS report released today, Mozaki Mage has a 49% winrate at top 1k Legend while Warrior’s best deck, Quest Warrior, has a 46.7% winrate. In the hands of good players at least, the two weakest classes in the game are Warrior and Priest, and Mage is doing much better.
Vanndar Stormpike
I don’t think it sees play in big warrior or big DH because you’re not looking to play your big stuff from hand anyway and you don’t want to pull this off a recruit card. I think the best place for it is in some kind of Ramp Druid (either Clown or Guardian). There isn’t enough support for Res Priest right now.
So the best options for the new cards imo are:
1. Alliance
a. Big Warrior (and hope not to pull)
b. Big DH (and hope not to pull)
c. Some kind of Ramp Druid
d. Some kind of Res Priest (not enough support imo)
2. Horde
a. Zoo (drop Shady Bartender, seems bad)
b. Quest Shaman (drop Multicaster)
c. A new type of Face Hunter (can’t rely on big buffed beasts anymore)
d. Aggro DH
e. Stealth Rogue
f. Miracle Priest
g. Aggro Secret Paladin
h. Apparently some people think it works in Taunt Druid for some reason, no way that’s better than the current 4-drops and 5-drops
I’m not really seeing it. I don’t think either card will make it into a competitive deck (meaning the most optimal version of a tier 1 or tier 2 deck) until the expansion drops. Aggro DH and Stealth Rogue might have the best shot at it.
You’re definitely not putting this in Taunt Druid, the opportunity cost is way too high. You’re dropping 5 of the best cards in your deck for a chance at a high roll that’s not even as good as the highrolls provided by your 5-drops on turns 3 or 5 with coin, 6 without. Coin Oracle on 2 into Battleguard + 5-drop on 3 is so much stronger than this.
New Arena Ranking System Pitched by Iksar on Twitter
Arena already has a leaderboard, which is simply the best average over a consecutive 30-run streak. The goal here isn’t to add a new scoring system when arena doesn’t have one, it’s to replace the scoring system that’s already in place with a new one.
Masters Tour Silvermoon Top 8 - Deck Lists, Stats & Results!
“However, only 8 of them qualified for the final day of play-offs”
Actually, 16 did. And I’m not just saying that because I made it (battletag: cynce) to the top 16 but not the top 8 and and feel left out of this article!
Seek Guidance
The most likely scenario actually is that Priest exists, isn’t too strong and doesn’t even run this card. It’s extremely slow, pretty inconsistent and unlikely to make it into a competitive deck.
Seek Guidance
It’s impossible to complete before turn 10 and can very rarely be done before turn 11 or 12. It’s too slow and too inconsistent. Bronze players will love it, but it won’t be competitive.
Discounted cards count for their discounted cost, not their original cost.
Top Four Hearthstone Standard Cards Right Now... Are Hunter Cards
I’m sure it’s based on drawn winrate, not deck winrate, since that’s the best way to evaluate most cards. Still quite useless info without knowing what rank bracket we’re looking at.
Balance Update Is Coming Next Week With 5 Card Nerfs and 10 Buffs
Crabrider 1/3, Hand of A’dal 2/1 or 1/2, Tickatus 7 mana, Incantor’s Flow 3 mana, Mankrik’s wife to 6-8 health. They won’t nerf Priest and that will be a mistake with Tickatus nerfed.
They will buff all the caravans’ health. I also expect some buffs to Shaman and maybe one to Warlock. Would be cool to see some zoo again.
You heard it here first!
(Update: Live Now) Patch 20.0.1 Comes Out On Monday, Fixes Mutliple Bugs Introduced By The Barrens Patch
It will cost 3.
How Good Are Kazakus and Primordial Protector? Discover & Card Generation Math of the Barrens!
There’s a pretty big error I found. The probability to get a specific secret from Pack Kodo is 20%, not 60%. That minion only shows you one secret.
Full Dust Refunds for Classic Ysera - You Can Disenchant Her For 1600 Dust
I knew about this before you posted it and enjoyed the 3200 dust from the first Golden Legendary I ever owned. 🙂
Surprised they didn’t have the card in the popup for nerfed cards when you open the game. Someone must have forgotten about it.
Razorfen Beastmaster
Even that best case scenario of yours doesn’t come close to making that card worth running. You spend 3 mana and 2 cards for what? A little bit of board damage and a few small taunts? No way! You’re not seeing the whole picture. You didn’t pay the mana cost for the second card, but you still paid the card. You’re still left with two fewer cards in hand. If this mediocre result is the best case scenario and the worst case is a 3-mana 3/3, there’s no way this sees competitive play.
Razorfen Beastmaster
I think it’s absolute trash and there’s no way it sees play in any deck. If you don’t have a deathrattle in hand, it’s a terrible card. If you do, it’s still not good enough. Remember that this costs you two cards because it removes the other one from your hand when playing it.
Wouldn’t matter much if it was. The number of games in wild is too small to make much of a dent. But I’m sure it’s standard only.