xNanoks's Comments
Dorian Mage
This one turned out nicely.
Seriously though, cool deck idea. I will try this out tonight.
Balance Changes Planned for After HCT Playoffs (End of May)
I don’t only play Warlock, but yes, it is one of the best classes now. There will always be some classes that are ore powerful than others, always has been the case. While everyone’s complaining about Warlock being ‘annoying’ at best, other classes, like Paladin, are also showing ridiculous winrates. Some classes are more suited for Aggro decks, and since I refuse to play anything Aggro, I’m often left with just a handful of classes to pick from.
And tech cards are always needed. I’ve been using weapon-destruction cards since the birth of Truesilver, so, since the dawn of time. But you’ll see it more now, because of Man’ari. Metas change, it’s natural. But don’t claim it’s the case simply because of one class and one class alone. Don’t mention my head being up in the clouds, because it’ll be right up there with yours.
Balance Changes Planned for After HCT Playoffs (End of May)
Being sick of a certain deck is a bad reason to balance, in my opinion. More and more decks are focused on bringing it down, hence why it’s dropping in rating. Nerfs should happen when something is polarized, or incredibly OP, and Cubelock is neither. I feel your pain, because I don’t like it either, and as I said before, nerfing Lackey is something that will most likely happen, albeit with an increase in mana, or limiting the stats of the demon you can pull. I’m just happy N’Zoth rotated out, so it became somewhat manageable.
It’s cheesy and not my cup of tea either, but nerfs should happen based on data, not feelings.
Emeriss Control Hunter
I really like this idea, well found. I’m assuming the win condition would involve, and in this order, Emeriss, Alex, Krush? The potential buffing is mental, for sure, but I wonder if it can get the job done fast enough without getting removed.
Have you thought about putting in Dire Frenzy, to have atleast some form of extra buffing for the late game? Both Vilebrood and Scaleworm are excellent targets, but perhaps this would make room for another Beast at some point. In general, it looks like a really solid deck, but can struggle to get the pieces to fit.
Balance Changes Planned for After HCT Playoffs (End of May)
I don’t see anything inherently bad about having to run tech cards in your decks to counter other cards. It’s not like decks aren’t viable anymore if you have to put in Acidic or Harry.
Maybe Control Lock isn’t tier 3, but I really don’t think Cubelock is tier 1 anymore. Its win-rates are dropping, and due to the uprise of Taunt-heavy decks, they struggle to get value out of Doomguards. Dark Pact is an issue, as is Possessed Lackey, but Voidlord for example, really isn’t. Skull is very strong too, which might need an upping in mana cost.
Spiteful isn’t too much of an issue for me, because I run Control decks. But I can see why Aggro decks would struggle. It’s more about including tech cards that can counter certain match ups, which is a process I tend to like.
I can only speak from what I’ve faced so far, with Lackey being the true thorn in my eye, next to Quest Rogue of course. Heck, I play Lackey, and I think it’s an OP card. To run Spiteful decks, most of the classes have to sacrifice a lot of good spells, which leaves them open to other threats. But again, that’s just me. I can agree with a lot of nerfs on certain cards, but if it’s not Lackey or Call to Arms anymore, they’ll find something else to shout about.
Balance Changes Planned for After HCT Playoffs (End of May)
And, to reiterate, if they end changing some of the core cards I play, like Lackey, then so be it. If the data shows that, let them do it. It’s not about bias for me, but about proper balancing. Hard-nerf something, and something else will be prominent. Same story, every time.
Balance Changes Planned for After HCT Playoffs (End of May)
I don’t play Cube, but I do play Control Warlock. I’ll be the first admit that Possessed Lackey is unfair right now, but it’s definitely not the biggest problem. Cubelock is a tier 2 deck, and Control Lock is tier 3, at best. I just like Control decks, because I play the game to have fun.
I mentioned changing Quest Rogue, because it destroys EVERY control deck, not just Warlock’s. Quest Rogue is polarized; it’s an auto-win against Control, auto-lose against Aggro, as was mentioned earlier.
In essence, I don’t think anything is unfair, and I actually like the meta since the expansion, with Quest Rogue being the only real ‘problem’ for me. Purely because it’s not fun, and offers absolutely no way of countering it.
Blizzard Discussing Changes to Naga Sea Witch & Some Popular Standard Cards
This. Well said.
Impossible job to get this point across to most though, unfortunately.
Balance Changes Planned for After HCT Playoffs (End of May)
Let me guess – you play Quest Rogue?
Balance Changes Planned for After HCT Playoffs (End of May)
As long as they make calls based on data, and not the pitchfork carrying mob that’s always going to find something that needs nerfing. I found they usually play a different ‘OP’ meta deck than the deck they want nerfed. Don’t be like Overwatch, and base changes/balancing on actual data.
That being said, my guess is that Quest Rogue (The Caverns Below) WILL get nerfed, because those match ups suck the life out of you. Call to Arms is usually fine, although it could get a 1-mana increase, to 5 mana cost. Carnivorous Cube is honestly not an issue, and I think Even Paladin is winning a lot more than Cubelock nowadays.
But as I said, I’d want them to make changes on their own data.
Deathrattle Hunter
Yeah, I forgot that card was 4 mana, sorry. I’ve teched some decks to deal with Lock, so I was hoping for some FUN decks against Aggro. But keep digging dude, I love your decks.
Deathrattle Hunter
Very cool deck. Well done.
I went on my Houndmaster Shaw Monster Hunt run, and eventually won from Glinda with a Deathrattle-themed deck. Triggered me to make my own, and now I see yours. Couldn’t have done it better myself.
I would try to put in Exploding Bloatbat to help with aggro rundowns and I’d love to work King Krush in here somewhere. That being said, I understand the use of Highmane, of course.
Zanananan's #4 Legend Miracle Rogue (May 2018)
Whenever I play a Rogue Miracle deck with one Vilespine, I could really use the second, at some point. I like the addition of the Questing Adventurer though.
Elemental Big Mage
On second thought, Book of Specters, if unlucky, can render Dragon’s Fury and Raven Familiar useless. I’d make these adjustments:
-1 Book of Specters, -1 Flamestrike, -1 Water Elemental
+1 Sindragosa, +1 Meteor, +1 Gluttonous Ooze
Elemental Big Mage
I’m assuming you’d hang on to Book of Specters until you’ve gained control over the board? It’s very risky, even though the odds are in your favor.
Big fan of Sindragosa myself, so I might try to squeeze her in. And it’s missing a weapon-destruction card. Would Harrison work, for additional card draw?
I always think Rotface is a logical inclusion in any Big Recruit Warrior deck. Maybe replace the second Bring It On for it?