WhipWhap's Comments
Imprisoned Felmaw
Because it chooses its target randomly among all enemies. This thing could easily throw itself into a terrible trade (ex. attacking a 4/1), and since it’ll always be your opponent’s turn before this awakens they have the most control over what the Felmaw will attack.
Wrathscale Naga
Kind of an interesting card. It only has 1 health despite being 3 mana, so it’s almost guaranteed to die before your next turn. I would recommend saving it for late game so you can play Coordinated Strike/Command the Illidari and this in a single turn. 3.5/5.
Sightless Watcher
AMAZING card for Demon Hunter. It seems like some people think it’s bad compared to Tracking because it won’t give you the card that turn, but that can sometimes be beneficial for Demon Hunter cards with the outcast keyword. 5/5.
Kayn Sunfury
Even with just the stats and charge, this is already an okay card. But paired with that card text? 5/5.
Archspore Msshi'fn
He pro’tec
He at’tac
But most importantly
He topdeck
5/5 for being a humongous fungus.
Imprisoned Antaen
Pretty bad since the nerf hit it. Demon Hunter has a lot of elbow space on turn 6, and just a single Imprisoned Antaen that does nothing until turn 8 isn’t very good. If you’re looking for a single card to play on turn 6, I’d say go with Gul’dan’s Skull. 3/5.
Al'Akir the Windlord
It’s good, just… not great. I mean, it does have a few decent combos with cards like Rockbiter, Earthen Might, and a few others, but none of them are especially devastating. 4/5.
Hungry Crab
It’s a helpful card if you’re going against a Murloc deck. Unfortunately, that’s the only time it’s going to be helpful. 2/5.
Hunting Party
With all the new hand buff cards that Hunter is getting for its beasts, I think it’s possible that Hunting Party could start seeing some use, although likely not in ranked. 3/5.
Dude, it’s not paying 7 mana for 6 damage. It’s paying 7 mana for a 6/7 that essentially casts a slightly better Cinderstorm every time you end your turn. Its stats aren’t especially good for its cost, but the end of turn ability makes this a priority as soon as it hits the board. At worst, this card will do the 6 damage and force your opponent to either sacrifice some of their minions or hard removal spells to kill the Priestess. At best, its going to survive for a few more turns and do insane amounts of damage to your enemies.