Vincent's Comments
Descent of Dragons Decks - Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Legend Deck Lists, Deck Ideas, Decks for All Classes!
Galakrond Shaman is broken, how did it make out of testing? Blizzard should nerf Corrupt Elementalist (4 mana, invoke once), Dragon’s Pack (+2/2) and Galakrond, the Tempest (minions with less stats).
Official Blizzard Statement on the Grandmasters / Blitzchung Incident
I found this part ironic; “Every Voice Matters, and we strongly encourage everyone in our community to share their viewpoints in the many places available to express themselves.”
Because after sharing my viewpoint on the Blizzard forums about free speech and democracy, my account was silenced for a 1000(!) years which is still in place. So maybe they cut it in half to 500 years lol?
To quote Rod Breslau: “at this point I’d rather Blizzard, Riot, the NBA, Apple, and all other game developers/movie studios just tell me to go fuck myself, they want China’s money, and they don’t think Americans have the balls to stop using their products than these lies disguised as PR statements”
To summon it up… I don’t think this will be enough.
Blitzchung Removed from Grandmasters over a Controversial Hong Kong Interview and Banned from Competing for a Year, Casters Also Fired
I’ve got banned for a 1000 years for posting on the hearthstone forums asking Blizzard to stand up for freedom of speech. I’ve been playing Blizzard games and giving them my money for at least 15(!) years. I’m speechless really. I hope they come to their senses soon.
“Your account is unable to post or reply until Oct 11, 3019 9:54 pm.”
Yeah that’s right… 3019(!).
Blitzchung Removed from Grandmasters over a Controversial Hong Kong Interview and Banned from Competing for a Year, Casters Also Fired
Doing business in a country where human rights are violated shines on the company as well. Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of the modern western society. Even though the event might not be the place for politics, the course of action does not match with the values that I think a company founded in the USA should stand for. As someone who lives in europe and thus having fully freedom of speech and movement, I support anyone in his fight for freedom. I’m taking a time out from hearthstone.
Saviors of Uldum August 26 Nerf Patch - Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Conjurer's Calling, Extra Arms and Barnes!
As others suggested removing Blast Shield and/or rush from Dr. Boom and removing the mech tag from Omega Devastator would be a better solution imo. Dr 7 is now Dr 9.
I now expect less mages and more CW mirrors (I play CW on ladder) which will be boring 🙁
Top Standard Legend Decks From Saviors of Uldum - Week 2 (August 2019)
Agree on mage and warrior being OP atm, plz nerf Brawl (6), Boom (rush) and luna’s pocket galaxy (back to 7).
Zoo Warlock - Saviors of Uldum - #8 Legend (Risai)
Best zoo version so far imo.
But it’s still hard in a meta with mage with flame ward, control warrior, battlecry shaman, hunter and priest.
Saviors of Uldum Decks - Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Legend Deck Lists, Deck Ideas, Decks for All Classes!
Token druid and mech paladin will remain strong decks.
Quicksand Elemental
While I was theorycrafting a zoo deck I stumbled over this card. Curse of weakness with a 3/2 body, wow this can be a game changer in the next (aggro) meta. 5/5
Saviors of Uldum Pre-Release Event With Content Creators - Theorycrafting Decks From New Expansion!
Theocrafting new decks is so much fun atm. I can think of so many many (new) decks. I have a good feeling this meta will be diverse.
[SoU] Mecha'Thun Warlock ft. Plague of Flames
Battlecry Shaman - SoU Pre-Release Event - Slysssa
Yes this quest is so strong. But I do think this list needs refinement.
I’m not so sure about seaforium bomber, mogu fleshshaper and jepetto.
I would add some healing cards like zilliax and walking fountain.
And definitely a copy of hagatha’s scheme.
Blatant Decoy
But 1) you can tech your deck for it (high minions) and 2) if you play this and your opponent kills Blatant Decoy, his minion would have summoning sickness while your minion can attack next turn (if it lives ofc). This card might be a sleeper and do really well in the right deck.
Wretched Reclaimer
Nice with reborn, except we still haven’t seen a decent reborn card.
However this card combines really well in combination with Embalming Ritual and Psychopomp.
Flame Ward
6/5 broken, should be 2 dmg like explosive trap or deal 3 dmg to all minions.
I guess Blizzard skipped testing again, will they ever learn…