Tuscarora87's Comments
Cabal Acolyte
Reasons behind this design? Flavor, originality, power spike, strategy and intriguing game-play interactions? Nope, just promoting toxicity. There is nothing else this design can offer. And they know that.
Disciplinarian Gandling
Incompetent Team 5 knows only 2 types of design recently:
1) random clown fiesta
2) highroll
P.S. The card is broken.
Brittlebone Destroyer
Priest is currently in very annoying shape that I’m even considering dropping the game. And what they do? They print even more either clown cards or unneeded power-creeps like this.
Awkward to play on curve with current weapons. Let’s wait if they print a really good weapon / buff / tutor.
Scholomance Academy Dual Class Cards - Class Pairs And What Can We Expect From Them
Blizzard 2019 – We want “class identity”.
Blizzard 2020 – Let’s print dual class cards!
Wretched Tutor
Absolutely insane neutral AoE. We are going to witness some very toxic synergies and combinations. Rogue has access to it. And it can be much more than 2 dmg, while 2 dmg is already crazy good.
Very disturbing. If they didn’t test it in aggro, we are fooooked! Even if it not ends being playable, nothing good can emerge from this kind of design; and they still printed it. Plus, customers are outraged. Did they think this will actually hype players? If yes, then how much out of touch they are; what a bad marketing. They don’t even know how to do business anymore.