Tuscarora87's Comments
Turalyon, the Tenured
You will include this in your decks if there isn’t anything better.
Sphere of Sapience
Still remember, card draw is more valuable then wasting a card (as a weapon) to pick what you will draw.
Really good. I’m more interested in this as a tempo card triggering lower cost deathrattles like draw, small re-summons, primes, even birds, or in the ugliest case – face hunter fodder. Maybe we get more good targets, or there will be good late game applications, too.
Star Student Stelina
I’ll be honest, copying degenerated Magic mechanics like discard, steal, disrupt opponent’s cards / deck – is garbage design. Although, I’m not scared of this particular card, no healthy game experience can emerge from this kind of design. Team 5 is printing it anyway in numbers, so it’s obvious how they intentionally want to promote toxicity. Or they are simply clueless?
This seems – redundant. It’s not the worst thing ever, though. I can see this in slower decks, rather than in tempo.
Can be exploited in aggro, probably. Why play slow and meme archetypes, when aggro DH eats everything alive?!
Simply a good card, serviceable in early game, even better later when combining it with big spells.