Really hoping that Paladin gets some love. The hand buff mechanic was fun, but forced you to prioritize putting more minions in the deck over removal spells/weapons. Combined with the tempo loss from playing a Smuggler’s Run or Grimestreet Outfitter instead of developing strong minions early on, the fast aggro meta just made the mechanic worthless. It’d be nice to see a new gimmick for Paladin that keeps pace with the other classes, or at least some cards that synergize with the hand buff mechanic to make it viable.
Really hoping that Paladin gets some love. The hand buff mechanic was fun, but forced you to prioritize putting more minions in the deck over removal spells/weapons. Combined with the tempo loss from playing a Smuggler’s Run or Grimestreet Outfitter instead of developing strong minions early on, the fast aggro meta just made the mechanic worthless. It’d be nice to see a new gimmick for Paladin that keeps pace with the other classes, or at least some cards that synergize with the hand buff mechanic to make it viable.