Thanatos's Comments
Quest Druid - #23 Legend (TheViper94) - Galakrond's Awakening
This is a bad deck to climb on America’s server in the current meta.
Cyclone Mage - #29 Legend (Softspot) - Galakrond's Awakening
Too many spells in the deck to use Book of Specters…
Wild Bundle Now Available - 24 Packs for $15
In Brazil this bundle is being sold for R$ 28,00 (28 REAIS), what is worth US$ 6. So, if you can buy this in brazilian store…
Spirits of the Shark: How Memorable Moments Trick Players
We should be careful when we use the available data in HSReplay. The DRAW WR is based on lots of games from lots of players, both good and bad players. Looking just at the numbers to identify good and bad cards would not consider different skill levels from players and different matches those players played. Let’s suppose most players don’t know how to effectively use battle rage, it would impact the WR of the card. Most of the times it is obviously when to play a card, but some times is not… spirit shard for example, you gotta have a plan before you play it, you can’t just play it on turn 4 and see what happens on turn 5… but most players might do that, and lose the game… we can’t tell just looking at the numbers.
Im not saying spirit shark or battle rage are good… Im talking about numbers.
Galakrond Quest Shaman - #29 Legend (Fenomeno) - Galakrond's Awakening
I have a question about this deck.
Is it better to play galakrond before finishing the quest, even if it is not fully buffed, to keep the double battecry hero power or not ? If I play a virgin galakrond before finishing the quest, when I play shudderwork will it summon the two basic 2/2 elementals, or will it summon two 8/8 if I have invoked galakrond more times after playing it ?
In my experience with this deck playing galakrond is not good… you might have a swing turn summoning two or maybe four 8/8, but your opponent knows that and saves a some board cleaner for this turn, and you’re stuck with a bad hero power and lots of cards with battlecry…
Highlander Shaman - Legend (Tortue) - Galakornd's Awakening
This deck does NOT work on this meta, don’t even bother…
Elemental Mage - RegisKillbin - Galakrond's Awakening
Unfortunately this deck does not work in a meta INFESTED with mother***** that only play with embigged druid…
Hope they all die slowly and painfully!
Phaoris Paladin - chunchunner - Galakrond's Week 1
Meme deck… I don’t know why people like this so much…
Elemental Cyclone Mage - Ike - Galakrond's W1
This deck sucks so hard… Its not possible to win against aggro decks… you must draw all the right cards to have some sinergy or else you just don’t play…
Ramp Druid - #60 Legend (Satellite) - Galakrond's Week 1
This is nice, I came up with a very similar list!
I had doubts about witchwood grizzly and I was thinking about including a Flobbidinous Floop to use as a second Vargoth…
Aggro Overload Shaman - #49 Legend (BZRK) - Descent 2nd Nerf
This deck is pure crap, it does not work…
Aggro Dragon Hunter - #7 Legend (Ruby) - Descent 2nd Nerf
Pois é, se você alcançou rank 3 vc provou que joga igual qualquer jogador do lenda, só te falta tempo e um pouco de sorte pra chegar lá.
Pelo que eu sei face hunter consegue vencer o priest algumas vezes, não é algo impossível, mas se seu deck realmente estiver com muita dificuldade e você estiver enfrentando muitos priests, você pode colocar alguma tech card específica no deck, por exemplo aquela 4 mana que sumona dois lacaios custo 1 para o oponente, ou usar leeroy mais cedo na partida, tudo pra tentar contaminar a pool de lacaios que podem ser ressuscitados…
Outro deck de hunter que está rodando é o highlander hunter com segredos, mas é um deck bastante caro e demora um pouco para aprender a pilotar, mas você já provou que consegue…
Aggro Dragon Hunter - #7 Legend (Ruby) - Descent 2nd Nerf
I guess you’re brazilian so I’m going to leave a comment in portuguese:
Os decks postados aqui funcionaram especificamente para o rank e servidor em que foram usados. A maioria dos decks são de jogadores famosos que usaram estes decks para subirem dentro do rank lenda. Nesse caso está escrito #43 legend, provavelmente o jogador subiu do rank 500 lenda para o 43 ou algo assim.
A história é MUITO diferente para quem está no rank 5… e completamente diferente para o rank 10 ou 15 também.
Nos rank 5 por exemplo a variedade de decks é extremamente grande, muita gente testando todo tipo de deck. Vamos supor que no rank lenda não tenha ninguém jogando de mech pally, mas no rank 5 está infestado no momento, se o deck que o jogador lenda usou não for bom contra mech pally você vai ficar patinando no rank 5.
A habilidade do jogador faz pouca diferença, qualquer um que pega rank 5 sabe jogar, uma ou outra partida que a habilidade e experiência servem para transformar uma derrota em uma vitória. No geral a pergunta se o deck funciona ou não vai depender mais dos tipos de deck que você enfrenta no rank em que está…
Dragon Quest Druid - #10 Legend (Thijs) - Descent 2nd Nerf
This is a good deck, played over 20 matches, no legit defeats, only to luck opponents, as usual on HS…
Descent of Dragons Post-Second Nerf Meta Decks - Best Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
Hearthstone is kinda of boring after I finished the game…
Im going to replace it with Hoard Pillager and give it a try…