TAbril's Comments
Kobolds and Catacombs Guide, Release Date, Card Spoilers List
They kept some of the coolest cards to the end!
The tech card against Highlander Priest will change the meta (and hello dragons and storm control priest), which is excellent! It also increases the viability of several ideas that this expansion promotes and that have been discarded… And yes. rogue in the initial phase will be annoying as hell… Also, I do not know which direction shaman is taking… But the new mate will be a breath of fresh air!
The Darkness
It’s the perfect tech card vs Highlander Priest… I want two lol
With mage you can have some extra fun if you run Simulacrum…
Kobolds and Catacombs Release Date: December 7th, 2017!
I know, do not get me wrong, it’s a great free gift, but “feelings” men, “Feelings”…
Kobolds and Catacombs Release Date: December 7th, 2017!
There are big differences between the power level of legendary weapons… Anyone receiving the shaman or warlock one will snort into the air!
Explosive Runes
So far only two warrior cards and two warlock cards have been shown, and each one is worse than the other. Am I the only one with this perception?
In addition, most Legends do not open the eyelash (they do not seem particularly special) and the cards that can lead to a change of meta are mostly rares with nothing that breaks Highlander Priest (on the contrary, there are even new possible additions…).
Kobolds and Catacombs Card Review - Week 1
Great article
I agree with most, but it all depends on the new meta, and unfortunately I do not see anything that “really breaks” the current tier1 decks.
Some divergent opinions:
– Cheat Death is not fantastic on the current rogue lists because of the high number of small minions (maybe a different list comes up, but Cheat Death alone is not reason enough). In another list it allows to have “draw” and that is something lacking in rogue tempo decks.
– Duskbreaker as it was said, just too good, I assume it will see game, and maybe even give the first push to take out of tier1 many of the current aggro/tempo decks. And if so, with Highlander Priest intact, it is possible for the past to repeat (this time not with druid, but with priest)
– Kathrena Winterwisp… I like the new hunter direction, but I still do not see any way to make it practical (the card it’s not bad, but no “magic/spell” support or meta flavor to play it). Much less with Highlander, aggro and tempo decks… And the basis problems of the class also received no response. The same goes for Seeping Oozeling which does not give the necessary impact – it’s simply bad.
– Twig of the World Tree… I have my doubts about this one. Can you destroy your own weapon? If yes it is a question of consistency, it can be very very bad or acceptable (situationally). If not it’s really too much inconsistent. Frankly it does not seem like much of a promise to me. It gives a double turn when the game is “built”, but takes a turn at the beginning of the game, and the ramp issue is to get a good ramping start…
– Zola the Gorgon is so far one of my favorite cards of this set. If control has visibility in the future meta (I can dream right?) it will be an option to rescue win conditions in the style of Shadowcaster, but for Paladin, Warrior, Warlock and Mage. I really like it.
Question: Can Rummaging Kobold return Medivh’s Atiesh?
HCT Summer Championship 2017 Deck Lists, Card Stats, & Results
Attention the meta is better than it was before the nerfs. But:
1º At this moment around 20-25% of the meta is Priest. Followed by Rogue and Druid with usage percentages between 13-20% (note: Druid is more used to counter Priest). However, the percentage of Warlock, Warrior and Paladin is between 5-7% (which even highlights a decrease in their uses). This becomes more visible as higher the player’s ranking is.
2º Another very relevant data is the victory % of each list. Priest lists win rates (around 70%). Rogue and Druid win rates (above 60%). In opposition there are other lists, as it is the case of Warrior lists, with win rates of 40%. The percentage difference of win rates between Priest and many other lists is significantly different, greatly reducing the use of heroes/lists with decks perceived as not solid against Priest.
The general idea is: if you do not play with a list that has an acceptable performance against Priest the gaming experience is impaired (which in itself is not a lie).
3º The last reason is the Priest list itself (or exodia Mage, etc). It is not interactive (similarly to quest rogue) and there is no consistent tech card against it (being the consistent part the main problem), again, being the best hypothesis to play with decks whose mechanics themselves are good against Priest.
This is my vision/opinion, I may be wrong, or right.
HCT Summer Championship 2017 Deck Lists, Card Stats, & Results
Basically, all winning lists with druid jade and tempo rogue… And of course, with the lovely solitaire priest.
The meta seems balanced.
Hallow's End Event for Fireside Gatherings - New Warlock Hero - Nemsy Necrofizzle!
I’m like, thats fun!
I click [GET STARTED] – Fireside Gathering Taverns – My country is not on the list…
Hearthstone Deck Type FAQ
Great FAQ!
You can also say/add (to break some typical confusion) that Tempo decks are Aggro-Control decks, being controlling aggressive decsk, differing from a Midrange Control decks, which are aggressive controlling decks.
Briefly, a Tempo deck seeks to aggressively attack the opponent while disrupting their game plan for long enough to win, and a Midrange Control deck seeks to begin by disrupting the opponent’s game plan and then deploys powerful 4-6 drops.
Hearthstone News Roundup: Unlicensed Apothecary to be Fixed, Card Leak, Ladder Changes Will NOT Be Announced at BlizzCon
First time i know of the bugg… I like Unlicensed Apothecary concept, but we have no way to consistently play with it and demons like these take away my beloved Bane of Doom.
Lilian Voss Questing Miracle Rogue (Season 42)
I like the deck. Lilian Voss can increase the number of surprises that your opponent does not expect, but it’s also a card that (in general) increases the cost of cheap spells, so… Is Sherazin good in the deck?
I already consider the performance of Sherazin less than desirable in regular miracle decks, so, taking into account the deck itself and meta, what card would you recommend to replace it?
Hand Buff C'thun
When testing I would make some changes, but I really love the deck idea.
Last Week in Hearthstone – September 25th - October 1st 2017
First time I see “Kripp” video. Looks good to me!
Last Week in Hearthstone – September 18th - 24th 2017
I’m surprised, but glad to be on the list!
Hearthstone Balance Patch w/Fiery War Axe & Innervate Nerfs is Releasing on September 18th!
I don’t consider that warrior control will be extraordinary after the nerfs. Ringt now a 3 cost removal axe it’s fine for control, in my opinion the reason will be not the axe nerf, but because of the meta that I think we will see.
With aggro nerfs the percentage of its use should reduce (and it will be less overwhelming against control), and with jade druid “nerf” the deck will continue to be quite powerful, but possibly slower at the start of the game. That should open opportunity to priest and mage control decks (and probably shaman decks in response to these two). We may see alot of non-interactive OTK-control priest and mage decks (like highlander priest, exodia mage and frost jaina control mage). Exodia mage kills any control warrior deck, and the other ones, like “slower” jade druid, highlander priest and frost jaina control mage can only be defeated with fatigue warrior control vertion (which invalidates to some extent n’zoth, tempo and quest warrior).
Tavern Brawl A Frozen Recipe
It is not very balanced, but if you play with friends it’s pretty fun. At least for those (like me) who do not have last set entire collection.
new meta*