SuperUai's Comments
Deathwing, Dragonlord
By your logic, then every card is a bad card because it can be removed and silenced.
Yes, we all know that there is this big risk of Entomb or Silence+Removal, most of us did not start playing it yesterday.
What everybody forgets is the risk of losing this card without activating it’s Deathrattle is so high that the rewards becomes so bad or so unreal? The risk is not that high and the rewards are good enough to take that risk.
If you ever played Dragon Priest, then you know that sometimes Ysera just sits on your hand for too many turns because you do not feel confident enough to play it. This card can be used as a good bait.
You want to Entomb it? Good, it is clear for Ysera on the next turn. You want to Silence it? Okay, I now have a 12/12 and Ysera on the next turn. You want to Silence AND remove? WOW! Ysera is really coming down next turn!
It is going to be a 2 for 1 in most scenarios, so, you lose a turn, but then your oponent loses his turn dealing with this bad boy trying to get as little colateral damage as possible and that is not an easy thing to do in a real game, we all know that thanks to Dr. Boom on turn 7.
If Dr. Boom came out today, everybody would say “Dies to Lightbomb, that is trash.”.