StarPlatnum's Comments
Nine Lives
as a mainly wild player I agree, wild is surprisingly balanced right now with that last batch of nerfs. but all this deathrattle synergy overload they keep slamming in hunter makes me this that balance is going to be short lived. but maybe not, the overall power level in wild is much higher so it might not end up mattering at all.
Plot Twist
or the new legendary balrog, but you don’t even need those legendaries on the field, this is just an all around solid card card, throw in an augmented elek if you’re down for the memes. seems both, fun and competitive a combination you don’t often see
Treant (Rise of Shadows)
there’s only one correct answer: Scooby, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne, Fred in that order
then again, i guess a slim chance to stop a combo deck is better than no chance at all
Much worse than deathlord, the fact that the opponent gets to immediately attack with the minion and the the fact that it pulls from deck rather than hand means it’s bad against control matchups and unreliable as a combo breaker. it’s a ridiculous tech card against aggro but i think that’s it’s only consistent use
Crystal Stag
about 2 years ago druid had a lot of heal. i’m glad they’re bringing it back. in WOW druid was the only class that could be healer, tank and dps. I know I’m probably in the minority here but little flavor things like this is what i like most about hearthstone
Vereesa Windrunner
I too know that priest is and forever will be the best class in the game (all praises be to our lady tyrande) but that mentality is kinda ridiculous
Unleash the Beast
when zul’jin plays all your spells, does anyone know if you’ll get a copy of the card when he plays the twinspell version. I feel like you should but i’m not sure.
Madame Lazul
the medivh skin we have is of medivh the corrupted. So “medivh”, and “medivh, the gaurdian” are two different characters in my opinion. in the same way that i wouldn’t say lich king and arthus are the same characters (but to be honest i completely forgot about medivh) what i was talking about was flat out exact same name.
but i do hope you’re right, i’d love to see those three in the game
Rise of Shadows Hearthstone Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics And More!
I pay 60 bucks for games i like a lot less and play a lot less than hearthstone. saving literally a dollar a day in between expansions is not that difficult so that i can play a game i truly enjoy. also saving coins in between expansions from daily wins and quest will net you a minimum of 8000 coins at the start of each expansion. getting good at arena gets you well more. it’s not like you’re forced to pay the 80 bucks. in fact the only thing you’re forced to pay for are the unnecessary cosmetics.
Madame Lazul
5/5 because it’s the only hero to have a minion card. i hope blizzard took the time to add a few specific voice lines for when she’s played by and against herself… little things
Madame Lazul
that’s not the way the deck works, if it was, then people would be able to play a quest in a genn greymane deck and still have genn work. even if all other cards in your deck are even and you draw the quest in your opening hand, genn will not proc.
perhaps a better example would be Princess talanji. princess talanji does not affect minions you draft in your opening hand. cards that have “start in your deck” takes all 30 cards into account.
to answer op’s question, I do believe it’s a bug that can happen sometimes i don’t know what causes it but i do believe it has happened to me just once (actually just yesterday if i remember)
Power Word: Replicate
Priest always finds a way to be decent, doesn’t mean blizzard isn’t making it increasingly difficult for priest players. Priest only got 1 card this expansion that has great value: Reckless experimenter. Look at all the other value cards other decks got. The 2 things priest were supposed to be specializing in this expansion. (Deathrattle and duplicating minions) other classes got much better cards top do it with.
P.s. purify was at least a common card and could see some play this is a fricken epic. Id say this one is much more disappointing
Power Word: Replicate
Tldr- loser wines about how priest was supposed to be cloning science but other classes got way better cloning cards.
Anything this card does can be done better by other cards. Got a big taunt you want a copy of. Run faceless. Same price you get all the stats. Got a minion with a great effect you want two of, use vivid nightmare, hell combo it with Devine hymn same man cost for better spell and a heal to your face. Priest wasn’t even in that good of a spot at the moment yet they got the worst class cards this set while Rogue and druid and warlock get better “cloning cards” than the class that’s supposed to specialize in cloning (Sorry priest is my favorite class and so far only one card has not been a disappointment. Reckless expirementor, I’d put money that is the only priest card from this set that sees play.)
grand archivist will trigger the combo version as long as you’ve played a card that turn. i can only imagine the same would be true for this.