Sparkz's Comments
Sparkz' - Midrange Egg Paladin [Feat: Tarim & N'Zoth] (Season 37, Wild)
I run, the Spawn of N’Zoth to be able to buff eggs effectively with N’Zoth play. If that works for you though go right ahead. Purifier was in the original deck list but was dropped when I decided to add the N’Zoth package.
The Glorious Army of Silver Hand Recruits *UPDATE*
If not Justicar definitely Bolvar Fordragon, so mine would look something like
-2 Adaptation +2 Competitive spirit
-2 Wild Pyromancer +1 Bolvar, +1 Justicar/pyromancer (debating it)
-1 Coghammer +1 Sword Of justice (like you said)
Once again well done guide as well!
The Glorious Army of Silver Hand Recruits *UPDATE*
I am definitely a fan of this deck archetype probably more for it’s excellent theme than efficiency, but personally I would like to suggest dropping a Coghammer to pick up Justicar.
Nice, fun-to-read guide btw! I prefer hearing “hey hey wanna buy a funnel cake?” 😀
Sparkz' - KFT KingKaza Quest Priest (Season 41, Wild)
Nice work! I do need to add Thalnos back in for this guide, I must have accidentally got rid of him at one point.
Yeah, I haven’t been able to update the guide as much as I would like. Check back soon! Looks like you are doing pretty well though.
Sparkz' - Midrange Egg Paladin [Feat: Tarim & N'Zoth] (Season 37, Wild)
I would run a Moat lurker over an Explosive Sheep, and I hope to add more to the guide soon!
Murloc Paladin Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
If getting Wickerflame off of stonehill defender is so nice I don’t see why not just going:
-1 Stonehill +1 Wickerflame
Sparkz' - The Spare Kaleidosaur (Season 37, Wild)
The Technicians should be able to replace Toshley in the mech version. In this version took me a bit because to me Toshley runs like an Aya. In this version though:
Yogg can work well as a legendary replacement.
Dinosize can work well for powerful bursts.
Chromaggus can work well for duplicating your draws.
BoK can be better mid-game buffs (excellent with Wickerflame).
The 3 mana spell that gives a minion +3 attack and divine shield as it is great for trading into minions.
My last suggestion is Primalfin Champion as you can just get your spells back. The reason I don’t run him currently as we have a more burst miracle approach with 2xAuctioneer and Thaurissan.
Midrange Jademental Shaman
Yeah, the thing with the 4 drops is true, i had the same thoughts when try to think of replacements.
Looking forward to that guide though
Midrange Jademental Shaman
I’ve played a variant of this myself, but I was wondering… Why did you exclude Jade Spirit? I feel like even throwing 1 in helps. I think I might see why though because looking at this deck list. I am having trouble reasoning why a certain card should be removed.
Have you considered the new stone sentinel? Makes for great late game taunt.
Sparkz' - Aggro TTK Mech Mage (Season 37, Wild)
For anybody wondering why I haven’t written much as of yet for this guide. I have been playing catch-up with my, personal favorite, Raza N’Zoth deck-guide, Patches’ Dragon Heart, and Reincarnated Spirit Shaman. Coming up with decks is definitely easier and quicker than writing out the deck guides, and Un’Goro has also opened up a lot of new deck possibilities. Although some decks might get priority based on which ones people seem to like the most.
Have a good day!
Sparkz' - Aggro TTK Mech Mage (Season 37, Wild)
Awesome thank you! Not sure about the Turn 4 Carnassa though, but I get what you mean. Although this deck does have the potential to be an aggro monster. The low drops mainly come from the needs for spare parts. As if this was truly going for aggro we would run double cogmaster, the Goblin and Gnomes Small-Time.
Sparkz' - Aggro TTK Mech Mage (Season 37, Wild)
Thanks Incarnito! Antonidas can definitely make for a good substitute. The only Reason I was running Rhonin was because of easy synergies with Flamewaker and Gazlowe. Antonidas in my opinion might just be to slow for the deck, but you do get more burst with him.
Quest Reno N'Zoth Priest
I am actually surprised someone mentioned the idea of this deck being similar to mine, but it happens, this game only has but so many cards.
Personally I like the removal of annoy-o-tron with dirty rat, and you have the extra shadow word to back it up. My main thoughts though are:
I’ve always debated the running of northshire as it can very effective grant upwards of 2-3 cards drawn in games if you can play it turn 1. Keeping it alive is a major plus if you can bring in dark cultist. Museum Curator though is just such a dynamic card when it comes to finding the next threat you want, or a taunt minion against aggro, and not to mention playing 2xCairne, 2xSylvanas, or 2xSneed can you win games on their own, as they can burn a lot of resources from your opponent without you having to play with anything else.
I’ll probably be updating my deck guide soon with changes, as I agree with somethings I saw here. As the early game of my version is the main thing I want nailed down.
And thanks for the compliment!
Sparkz' - KFT KingKaza Quest Priest (Season 41, Wild)
Add another Shadowform, or drop Shadowform and Raza to be replaced with Justicar and shadow word pain. If not shadow word pain for issues with shadow visions try a northshire cleric.
Those are my instinctual thoughts.
Sparkz' - Aggro TTK Mech Mage (Season 37, Wild)
I also forgot to mention, Flamewaker for Duplicate (spare part synergy)
Then going crazy and dropping Flamestrike for Cabalist Tome. (Probably way to slow of a play though)
Thank you! Personally I feel “Anyfin Paly” is a very different deck than this one. This one pushes out a lot of early game aggro that “Anyfin Paly” plays control during the same time. I might make an anyfin Paladin deck though.