sonriks6's Comments
High Abbess Alura
This card limits a lot your deck construction I see it more Pally than Priest.
Forest Warden Omu
Ok, I wonder if you can run a super powerful turn with Germination to copy It, or with the help of Kaelthas to cheat the new 10 mana spell. +4/+4 everywhere!
Potion of Illusion
…And for Rogue just play a bunch of lackeys, cheat mana with Togg or Gala and get them back to your hand, Preparation is a card so could help to reduce this to 2 mana, soo much Teeeempo.
Soulciologist Malicia
Soul mechanic is VERY COOOL but I feel will be not consistent enough despite the support and payoff cards like this. You need to play the shuffle souls FIRST to get the value of the payoff cards if not your gameplan is ruined.
Instructor Fireheart
The card design is solid BUT you have to discover a PLAYABLE spell the SAME turn so you may wait till turn 8 to play a 5 mana spell. Shaman spell’s pool is a bit wide to get the needed burst or removal… A bit overrated card. 3/5.
Professor Slate
Auto-include in a yet powerful HL Hunter seems so scaring for me. Let’s see if the meta can contest the archetype. Rapid Fire cheapest removal and it’s a Twin Spell! so basically 5 mana remove to big threats! Seems too OP. 5/5.
Sphere of Sapience
Didn’t read the text right the first time but the BOTTOM of the deck is too far… Only a superslow control class could run this weapon, maybe to find a good removal or combo piece but this card is so overated. 2/5.
Jandice Barov
Interesting design but hard top evaluate for the moment. Might need test with different strategies. Mage’s Kaghar and Conjurer’s seems good start. Rogue has a bunch of options too.
Turalyon, the Tenured
This is a 8 mana 3/9 destroy a minion that could destroy another minion if unanswered and so on. A bit slow but Pally knows how to stick a minion for several turns.
This Cars is good in Aggro DH? Is a great disruptor vs slow decks when outcasted so I think a Big Demon build could also work if you draw high cost minions and your oponent has less options to answer.
Totem Goliath
I think it is a bit slow but the Totem tag opens a new door with buff spells and Axe! Scaring if this snowballs. Silence ir Devolve missiles are mandatory this expansion.
Mozaki, Master Duelist
This is an OK card for Reno Mage, high health, play it on curve, aggro should trade into it, stale the board and try to snowball. A bit slow to see play in Tempo, and mage don’t have much draw right now and I don’t see yet as an OTK piece.
Headmaster Kel'Thuzad
Control decks died for this! Let’s see what Control Mage/Priest/Warrior/Warlock can do with this dude.
Ace Hunter Kreen
Will hate this card, aggro DH was a pain in the neck all the expansion till 5th wave of nerfs!
Cabal Acolyte
This card is OK, with Lazul Scheme (0 mana) so you can play around opponents board and steal a “random” minion. It’s meta-dependent if not many 2 attack minions are played.
Flesh Giant
This card is strong if you can cheat it out as earlier as possible (like Mountain Giant) so if you can’t play it before T5 it’s trash. Warlock could find a way to do it, let’s see.
This is a bad card not in line with the power creep of the set. Too pricey and not enough support for the moment, specially for Druid!