Ruhzi's Comments
Bombwaggle OTK
40 damage otk, and 60 with 2 elekks. I think there is too many combo pieces in the deck that your deck cant fit enough removal and draw, not really a way you can improve this deck.
I dont agree, Deathlord pulls a minion later when you might have a big spell like twisting nether or lightbomb. Hecklebot summons a minion that is going to be able to attack on their next turn, while Deathlord will most of the time be summoned on their turn.
Deathlord is a very succesful card, and i think Hecklebot will see a lot of play
Sure its a Reno Jackson but this doesn’t crush aggro like Reno because of its cost, i only see it useful with High Priest Thekal for a 29 hp heal, Reno control paladin might become a thing, 3/5
Ray of Frost
I dont think this card wont make tempo mage much better because of the mana wyrm nerf, imagine turn 1 mana wyrm, then apprentice on 2, double RoF
Ray of Frost
This card freezes 2 enemies for 2 mana, 4-12 armor, and i am guesses it adds to the quest?
If it does i think this is 5/5 in quest mage. And you cant forget the option to deal 2 damage to an enemy minion for 2 mana.
Amani War Bear
this is actually a good and solid card in my opinion, why so low rating?
Shirvallah, the Tiger
Rip hearthstone,
just imagine having a 10 cost shirvallah, then playing a 8 cost spell that would make it cost 2.
and lets not forget the 7 healing lifesteal, rush and divine shield
if i owned blizzard i would make it “Cant cost less than 10 mana”
maybe the worst card yet, when you play a card you lose a card.
and if the cards text is.
Add a random card to your hand (from your opponent’s class).
then your actually drawing 0 cards , also playing a swashburglar is much better considering you also get a 1/1.
also hallucination is just overall better 😛
btw is the artwork someone stealing Renos hat?
Also why would you put dr boom in the deck?