Radeh's Comments
R'ADEH'S DEATHRATTLE RAPTOR ROGUE [Brann, Xaril, Sylvanas, Cairne, Hogger, Anub'arak, N'Zoth]
I replaced Eviscerate x2 with a Shadowstep and another Shadowcaster.
The reason is that this allows for some pretty sick copying of N’Zoth in conjunction with Brann who doubles Battlecries. Basically, with Shadowcaster x2, Shadowstep and Unearthed Raptor x2 all boosted by Brann, I can spam N’Zoth 7 times.
5 out of 30 cards are purely meant to “copy” that Deathrattle effect.
R'ADEH'S DEATHRATTLE RAPTOR ROGUE [Brann, Xaril, Sylvanas, Cairne, Hogger, Anub'arak, N'Zoth]
Disclaimer: I am new to Hearthstone but always liked “fitting” games like EVE Online or Kerbal Space Progam…but yeah, not an expert and super happy for some feedback.
You can of course simply make copies of Twilight Summoner if that fits you more 😉