Pandamonium's Comments
(Updated) Hearthstone Patch 24.4 Known Issues - Constructed, Battlegrounds & Mercenaries Bugs
Just terrible bugs and job by the team overall this time around. I don’t think anyone thinks this standard is acceptable every single patch. They broke all 3 modes and can’t realize it until after they release?? What do they do all day?
The Jailer
How exactly do all your taunts turn into regular minions? Being an invincible minion that prevents any damage to face from board..
(Update: Mercenaries Y'Shaarj Event Is Live Now) Hearthstone 23.4 Patch Notes
With the massive number of bugs that they never ever fix or act like they have any knowledge of, adding new bugs every patch, the ability to make decks with overflow of cards is the dumbest damn idea they have ever come up with. I can’t even click on which deck I want to use until I scroll the damn pages back and forth. About a hundred new bugs every month. Does anyone really believe that this will help that and not make more b s ???? For a feature nobody would ever need or want. Morons.
Jon "Orange" Westberg Was Suspended From Competitive Play
Plus, the little scavenger is feigning an apology now, only due to being caught. He never felt bad or stopped trying to scrounge esport money knowing that his window was probably closing. He went all in on the game just to try to scrounge a little bit more money from the last master tour. I think they actually showed his life earnings from Hearthstone on the last casted match of his. It was absurdly high. This dude didn’t need to be trying to get even more than what he’s already been lucky enough to get. I’d bet he’s found other ways to make money from this one game which wasn’t even counted. I feel like this is par for the course for the typical grandmaster type player that blizzard loves to push onto a pedestal (while subtly making it as hard as humanly possible for upcoming players to gain the position that these players have attained through momentum early in the game’s life). And he tweets that he wants more time to prepare some dishonest dopey statement, facepalm.
Jon "Orange" Westberg Was Suspended From Competitive Play
Give anyone a little esport attention and they turn into weird perverts like clockwork. Good riddance. This dude always had something suspicious about his demeanor.
Hearthstone May 11, 2022 Hotfix - Login Issues Resolved
Anyone notice how when you log in and it shows the 3 new battlegrounds cards, it shows 1 mana crystal as the cost? How stupid can these developers be honestly? If something requires them to rub 2 brain cells together then they are lost.
Hearthstone Patch 23.2 Known Issues - Players Unable to Log-in, Upgrading To Golden & N'Zoth Event Visual Bugs
I agree that their standard for bugs on releases and overall in this game is abhorrent.
Sunken City Balance Patch Just Arrived and We Already Need a New One! Ideas For Nerfs And Buffs
I believe most people would deem it tier 1.
Hearthstone Patch 23.0.2 Notes - Sphere of Sapience Banned in Duels, Mercenaries Fixes, Classic Decks Converting to Wild
“• [EDITED*]: Temporarily bans Sphere of Sapience in Duels due to a disconnect bug it caused. The card will be unbanned once the bug has been addressed.”
“*EDIT: The Sphere of Sapience Wild ban did not display as intended, resulting in player confusion as to why their deck was having error when trying to queue in Wild. To avoid further frustration and game errors, we are undoing the Wild Sphere of Sapience ban at this time as we continue to explore solutions.”
It’s like these 2 statements were written by completely different people who have no idea what they’re talking about. If it was a duels bug causing disconnect, how would there be some “intended ban for wild” unless it wasn’t confined to just duels. And why couldn’t they just keep it unbanned in wild as intended and simply ban in duels like the supposed plan all along?? Rather than unbanning in wild and duels. I suspect these people are highly confused.
Hearthstone Patch 23.0.2 Notes - Sphere of Sapience Banned in Duels, Mercenaries Fixes, Classic Decks Converting to Wild
In what world is there any card banned in wild intentionally????? What is that last point on about?? Once they start banning cards in WILD mode is when the game is on the skids. Are they confusing duels with wild ffs? Bc that and arena are the only modes that I thought hard bans were present.
Masters Tour Ruins of Alterac Top 8 - Deck Lists, Stats & Results!
I believe that’s the old pay structure 🙁 I think Gaby got $14k for 1st, $10k for 2nd, $7k top 4, $4k top 8, then $2k top 16
Iksar's Twitter Q&A #40 Summary - 4 Expansions Per Year Instead of Mini-Sets, Theorycrafting Streams, Cross-Promo With Other IPs, More Info About Cosmetics
The 4 expansions idea is a dirty horse shit excuse for their broken way of thinking, to try to add nothing better to the game and yet sponge even more out of everyone. Not sneaky. Mini-set system is what people like. More sets, more cards for everyone. Not to mention people already complain that the meta moves too slowly. Yeah, let’s go from 6 meta shifts to 4. Fire the people who come up with these bloodsucking ideas.
Azsharan Scroll
Yep, almost seems like they made dredge just for the sphere, the card I try to use now. I think the sphere is underrated in the current meta for decks that just fill up with unplayable cards. Sadly it’s almost wild.
Hearthstone Alterac Valley Secret "???" Achievement Guide - How To Get Shimmering Snowflake Card Back - Full Puzzles Solution
Thanks so much for this! The clarity of this guide is unrivaled. I was greedily waiting to see if there would be a guide on this site before starting the puzzles, but this was written much faster than I expected!
The juggling thing was confusing – are the health values just an arbitrary code that was cracked to find position values?
Voyage to the Sunken City - New Hearthstone Expansion - Cards, Reveals, Release Date, New Mechanics, and More!
Blizzard would absolutely make every character female if they could, smh lol
Patch 22.6 Is Now Live! New Expansion Pre-Orders, Free Legendary Card & Hero Skins, Battlegrounds & Mercenaries Updates, Book of Mercenaries: Dawngrasp
This is the easiest and most enjoyable legendary quest chain so far. The quest reward for the mercs part is…a merc. So you can just hit the x at the top right and move on. Freedom is entirely yours to do whatever you wish. The quests simply require playing one or two games as well, not winning. I pretty much hate battlegrounds but one game every so often for a reward is totally cool. I can understand not wanting to do mercs if you’re never going to touch it again but the mode is actually decent. But I see nothing to complain about regarding the questline.
New Hearthstone Expansion Announcement Delayed Until March 17 (Thursday)
O_o Meta is the healthiest its been in a long time. Give me a break. By your own comment, if there were no kazakusan, then the dynamic would shift to just 2 major types instead of 3, which would then crumble to just 1 dominant type (I guess control/otk with an absense of kazakusan). Now at least aggro is viable? And actually, it would be pure otk rather than control/otk ruling it all, since there would be no need to run anti-aggro. No-one is sick of pure garrote type otks at all right? At least when someone tries priest shenanigans you can just remove with slower decks.
(Playoffs Live Now!) Grandmasters 2022 Season 1 Announced - Starting This Week With New Experimental Format and YouTube Drops
Let trio die. It would be an abysmal idea for other tournaments. Maybe in GM it could half work but not in single elim tournaments.
Hm apparently I knew that immune meant can’t be numerically damaged & can’t be targeted although can be destroyed, but I didn’t know that immune negates taunt if something has both.