osumatthew's Comments
Witchwood Piper
Card draw is great, and tutoring is generally even better, but this feels like a pretty bad tutor effect. How often are you actually going to want to draw the lowest cost minion in your deck? I mean, it can filter out your other draws, but that still doesn’t seem all that great.
Arcane Keysmith
Seems pretty powerful, though I know that I’l hate to play against this.
Countess Ashmore
Curator on crack anyone? This seems insanely powerful, and might be the best card of the set. 7 mana 6/6 that can draw 3 cards? That’s absolutely nuts.
Bellringer Sentry
Secret paladin lives again! I’m not sure how great this card will be, but I’m really hoping that it helps revive the secret paladin archetype in wild. Only being able to have 2 ways of tempoing out secrets was rather inconsistent, and this could definitely help with that problem.
Cathedral Gargoyle
I guess this might be pretty good in Standard if dragon paladin gets enough incentives to be worth running, but as a Wild player, I’m a little disappointed. I’d think that Annoy-o-tron is far better, because there’s no condition attached and you’re only giving up one attack. I could be wrong, but I’m a little underwhelmed.
Coffin Crasher
Maybe quest priest will be a thing after rotation. There are some sweet deathrattle minions this could pull, and we might get some more in this expansion. Priest will need to have some early game plays to survive long enough to complete the quest and play Amara though. Even without that, this seems like a solid target for vivid nightmare.
The Witchwood Card Review Part 4 - March 27th: Houndmaster Shaw, Glinda Crowskin, Hagatha the Witch, Lord Godfrey and more
It says it damages other minions, not itself. So, after the battlecry ends, you’ll be left with a 4/4 on board regardless.
Nightmare Amalgam
So, if this is silenced, does it still count as all creature types? I’m a little confused if the text is actually rules text, or just an explanation of the “all” tribal tag.
Glinda Crowskin
I don’t understand why this card is so highly rated. It looks pretty bad to me. 6 mana 3/7 that does nothing when you play it or when it’s removed, and it’s not like playing this on turn 10 with weak minions is going to do you much good either.
Year of the Raven Celebration - Completing a Daily Quest Awards You a Pack!
So, does this actually start on the 26th or the 27th? Since the starting time says midnight (or rather 11:59 P.M.) on the 26th, that would make it the 27th that it really starts, since it’s hard to do anything in one minute.
Hearthstone Wild Meta Decks Tier List - Scholomance Academy Update
Reno Priest can definitely be better than T4, but you can’t play it the same way as before the nerf to Raza. I’ve had success building a tempo/value build with Awaken the Makers and N’zoth. The curve is pretty nice, and the deck has some solid answers to both aggro and control decks. It’s not perfect, but it’s still quite solid.
Firebat's Jade Druid (January 2018)
What’s a good replacement for a second copy of Branching Paths? I have everything else for this list, but don’t particularly want to drop 400 dust if there’s a decent alternative.
Wax Elemental
I mean, Annoy-o-Tron was a really powerful control tool back in GVG, and while losing the 1 attack is pretty significant, coming down a turn earlier to absorb damage is relevant as well. I could see this potentially finding a home to help more control focused decks survive better in the early game.
Lesser Amethyst Spellstone
This requirement actually won’t be that hard, particularly in a more control oriented warlock deck. Hellfire, Abyssal Enforcer, Chittering Tunneler, Felfire Potion, and Vulgar Homunculous will all trigger this. Plus, 4 mana to heal 3 and deal 3 isn’t that terrible of a deal to begin with, at least for Warlock which has always struggled to keep its life total up. I think that this will definitely see some play, especially since it’s amazing after even just 1 upgrade. 5 damage is enough to kill most of the common threats at the moment (Raza, Cobalt Scalebane, Bonemare, Thing From Below), and also healing 5 at the same time is a huge swing.
Lesser Amethyst Spellstone
I think it depends on the specific spell stone. The Warrior and Shaman spell stones look rather weak, precisely because they’re so expensive that you would never keep them in your opening hand, but the Mage, Druid and (probably) Paladin spell stones are cheap enough to keep in your opening hand, are already good for their cost even in base form, and are easily upgraded throughout the game. This one is also very good; even though you wouldn’t normally keep this in your opening hand, Warlocks like to draw cards with their hero power, meaning it’s more likely you’ll find this, and removing a minion while healing yourself is exactly what warlock wants to be doing anyways. I think you’re dead wrong here.
Call to Arms
This reminds me a bit of Collected Company in Magic. I’d be surprised if it doesn’t see any play at all, as summoning up to 6 mana worth of minions for 4 mana seems very powerful.
If you’re playing this, you’re probably playing it a s 2 of for consistency, which means the first copy of this would fish out the other one instead of lackey. Besides, if you don’t draw lackey by this point in the game, it’s probably not going to be very relevant anyways because you’ve likely drawn your bigger demons so that they can’t be pulled out.