OldManSanns's Comments
If the Ice Shards had rush or stealth, or if this cost 4 mana in exchange lower stats, this could be awesome. At 5 mana, though, this card is asking a lot: most decks can kill 1/1s pretty easily with minimal loss of tempo. Token decks already have plenty of opportunity to get 3 bodies for less mana, and tempo/value decks want more bang for their buck.
Galakrond's Awakening Card Review #1 - Shotbot, Chaos Gazer, Amazing Reno, Winged Guardian, Grand Lackey Erkh, Sky Gen'Ral Kragg, The Fist of Ra-Den and more!
Most US private companies don’t declare MLK Day as a company holiday–it’s usually just New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, and then 2 for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Quest Druid - #47 Legend (Avelline) - Descent 2nd Nerf
Well, earlier iterations of Quest Druid utilized Pounce and Doomsayer. I’d cut both Worthy Expedition for some combination of them, and possibly Cenarius–WE is a little too slow and inconsistent, IMHO, and Cenarius tends to be win-more (although the dual taunts can turn a game around sometimes).
Beyond that, I think you’re looking at maybe changing Swipes to Druids of the Scythe. It’s 1 mana less, and early game it can rush an early frothing berserker or taunt to take out 1-3 tokens while still not being awful if you top-deck it late game and have to settle for a rush/taunt 4/4. I’m not sure on this, though–Swipe is REALLY nice against Galakrond Warlock, but 4 mana is a very awkward mana cost before Quest completion and afterwards you’d rather play Surgers/Starfall/Oasis/Nourish to stabilize.
Good luck!
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
By “never gets old”, I assume you mean something that I expect to be successful on ladder for several months (as opposed to a meme-y deck that is entertaining to play but not necessarily competitive). With that assumption: I’d give a good look at either the Galakrond Rogue or Highlander Rogue decks. Both are like your Highlander Hunter: they rely on a bunch of strong cards rather than any specific strategy, so there’s a lot of room adaptability. Both are also extremely rotation-proof.
Runners up would be Face Hunter and Handlock. I don’t think they’re as strong as the latter, but they are pretty good and fairly rotation-proof and you might like them more because both will play a lot different than your other 2 decks, whereas the Rogue decks might seem to your Highlander Hunter.
Tavern Brawl - Pick a Hand, Any Hand
To be fair: they did originally plan to do a neat little PvE adventure with custom voices and a few custom bosses for the brawl this week. This Randy McRandomness thing is their last-minute contingency plan for when the latter melted down post-launch.
Rising Winds
I’m cautiously optimistic that this card will make Nomi-Quest decks viable again.
Eye of the Storm
I don’t get why people are rating this card so high. Is it just missing pre-nerf Dragon Pack that much?
Rain of Frogs sees no play at 6 mana; why would this at 10? Against aggro, you’ve already either stabilized or lost. Against control, you’d much rather have either value generation or AoEs.
Arcane Amplifier
I really like the elemental tag–Elemental Allies is borderline playable right now so useful elementals are huge for mage. Maybe its a good for cyclone mage: play him on curve, maybe advance/trigger your sidequest, and if it stays alive you can HP/stall another turn and if not you saved 5 health?
Sky Gen'ral Kragg
Making Quest Shaman great again in 2020. Any maybe Quest Hunter? Otherwise, I can’t think who else would really want this. Getting a shadow bolt with a body is nice, but generally I don’t think its worth cutting a card for in any other existing decklists.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
Dragon Druid is a very fun deck to play, but its EXTREMELY non-competitive in the current meta. It has a ~45% win rate on HsReplay right now, and generally loses to all of the archetypes mentioned above except Face Hunter.
Honestly, though: you should hold off on crafting anything for another couple weeks. This new expansion will be out then, and it has the potential to drastically change the meta.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Heroes Tier List & Guide - Best Available Heroes & Strategies - August 2023
I really feel like Rafaam deserves a nerf. Most of the other Tier One heroes at least have a chance to wiff, but there’s basically no downside to using Rafaam’s HP and potential for huge upswing. Maybe increasing it to 2 mana? Maybe its a passive ability that gives you a 2 or 3 mana spell, and when you cast it that adds the minion copy to your hand?
Grand Lackey Erkh
At first I was thinking Galakrond Rogue is going to be just insane with this card, but then I got to thinking that that deck is already so flush with lackeys that having a few more won’t really improve its overall winrate. If anything, it might actually hurt a little, since that archetype sometimes has hand-size issues. I think the big winner is actually zoolock: you effectively give all your lackeys echo so its a lot easier land an early Sea Giant, and if you’ve already played Tekahn then you’re dropping 1-mana 4/4s.
Dean "Iksar" Ayala Answers Questions About Balance Philosophy, Nerfs & Face Hunter / Resurrect Priest Dodging Changes (+Dragonmaw Poacher Arena Bug)
>>I don’t know what data have look this man, but galak shaman wasnt the best deck
Dood, they literally have ALL the data. Not the subset of data that HsReplay captures from players running their app, not the week-old information from Viscous Syndicate, not MetaStats’s version that automatically filters out decks if their algorithm considers it to be statistically insignificant… They have all the results for every game real-time, databases of everyone’s card collections, records for crafting trends and meta shifts, and staff whose fulltime job is to analyze all of it. If they say it was the best overall deck and that they expected it to otherwise hit a huge play rate in the near future, I’d believe them.
16.0.8 Balance Update is Out! Nerfs to Shaman, Rogue, Warlock and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza + Battlegrounds Changes
I guess I’m glad they moved so quickly on this? But to be honest, I had hoped to “free craft” Dragonqueen to play with her a few days this week and then dust her for 100% refund. I know technically I can still do that for the next 13 days, but I don’t trust myself to remember. 😛
Nerf Patch (16.0.8) Coming Later This Week - Nerfs to Fiendish Rites, Scion of Ruin, Ancharrr, Dragon's Pack, Invocation of Frost, Necrium Apothecary and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
>>Quest priest candidate for tier 0?
Rez priest will never be Tier 0. It’s problem is that it is too easy to tech against–especially now with Zul’drak Ritualist as a neutral option. As soon as it gets too popular, other decks will start adding him and their win rate will plummet. Then the meta will move on, priest will become unpopular, people will start removing Ritualist accordingly, the winrate will go back up, and so on. In short: it has a baked-in equilibrium that ~5-10% of the population can play it.
Nerf Patch (16.0.8) Coming Later This Week - Nerfs to Fiendish Rites, Scion of Ruin, Ancharrr, Dragon's Pack, Invocation of Frost, Necrium Apothecary and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
The odds of getting a either one of these 2 legendaries or one of the 3 epics out of just 12 packs is very low. You probably will find at a least a couple of the commons, but you’re talking about 70-105 dust–nothing to write home about.
On the other hand, paying 700 gold per wing isn’t really a great return either. If you’ve got the cash, it’s probably worth it to pay cash for the entire adventure and spend your gold either on packs or arena.
Handlock Deck List Guide – Descent Post-Nerf – January 2020
I agree that that’s a vastly superior way to do it, but I suspect it would be a huge software burden to implement in current Hearthstone.
Legends of Runeterra does the “you pick” method too, incidentally, and I think because of that it looks like some discard-heavy decks will be viable whereas in Hearthstone it’s mostly limited to either a finisher or a desperation play.
Handlock Deck List Guide – Descent Post-Nerf – January 2020
This is one of those archetypes that looks really fun but holy crap is it expensive. SK’s recommended substitutions help if you’re just missing a handful, but I’m missing so many it wouldn’t even resemble this deck list. I do at least get a little exposure to this through Whizbang–man am I going to miss that card when it’s gone. 🙁
I didn’t think much of this card at first, but thinking more I think it will get play as long as Handlock remains in the meta. On curve its essentially like tapping, except you don’t loose health and you get to discover 2 cards instead of taking a random one from your deck.