Ntlya's Comments
Scholomance Academy Early Meta Decks - Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Legend Deck Lists, Deck Ideas, Decks for All Classes!
In legend it’s no longer druid everywhere already. There’s more mage and warrior than druid.
Scholomance Academy Early Meta Decks - Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Legend Deck Lists, Deck Ideas, Decks for All Classes!
The thought process is to make a ramp druid that loses to aggro and that prey on slows deck (unless they have infinite removal, like warrior, or stall into OTK, like Hunterace Freezemage).
Control Warrior - #217 Legend (RichHomieDan) - Scholomance
23 1’off, might as well go highlander right?
Secret Galakrond Rogue - #14 Legend (Meati) - Scholomance Academy
Wow, so if you Polket into Galakrond, you draw 1 mana Kronx, Flik, Togwaggle and 5 mana taunt? LOL
(SA) Pure Libram Paladin
With second thought, i think Braggart doesnt make the cut either. He’s a big pile of late game stats, not what the deck needs. When you think about it, he’s also unplayable on empty board. He’s not going to be played turn 2 but gets better as the game gets late.
And about Salhet Pride, the problem i have with this card is the lack of tempo. The deck should have good late game because of the way librams works. The problem is how to get there.
Ramp Beast Druid SA
Well, current big druid runs 2 overflows. Past turn 6-7, there’s quite a number of dead cards in the deck or very low value, like Ironbark, Overgrowth. Playing overflow gives you options. But the dream, ofc, is to hit double twilight runners out of guardian animals.
Ramp Beast Druid SA
I think the deck would be better without Survival of the fittest and Kael’thas, since these two only works together. Not reliable. Well, Kael’thas also works with Guardian Animals, but your would really want to play Overflow instead. This deck is gona run out of card draw unless you hit draw with Guardian Animals.
Aggro Stealth Rogue
I think the vurve is too high. You want to play the new 2 drops draw 3 in this kind of list.
Speaker Gidra
It’s rush windfury. Meaning it wipes out your opponent’s board befor it gets sapped.
Speaker Gidra
You do realise a 3 mana 5/8 rush windfury looks completely op right? I dont think they could push the strength of the card to that extend. This look to the power level of something like Highlander cards (zephrys, Reno level of op).
I do understand the wording on the card suggest the stats adds up. But my brain says it cant be…
Speaker Gidra
no I think it would die… If the stats adds up it makes no sens, it’s just too OP
Speaker Gidra
Wait, this looks a little OP if the cost of the spell adds up to the initial stats right?
I think if you play a 3 mana spell, the minion becomes 3/3 right? (instead of 4/7 which makes no sens, way too op)
Educated Elekk
The rogue shuffle effects ended up seeing almost no play, even after a minion specifically designed for it, poggo-hopper, was buffed to 1 mana.
This has shuffle as deathrattle so it’s a million time less consistent. It’s cool because it oppens possibility and such, but it’s meme material only probably.
Kill Their Stuff DH
Yes, you kill their stuff. But this deck is probably too light on his own threats. (How do you kill them?)
Sphere of Sapience
So, this is not like “discover a card from ur deck”, it’s more like you can chose not to draw a specific card.
So what this means is that control decks going against aggro, you can refuse cards that are not helpfull right away. So, instead of “seeing” 1 card per turn, you’re “seeing” 2 cards per turns, (because control cant use all their cards before the game is over anyway).
So as control against aggro, it lets you see a much bigger part of your deck before the game is over. It’s only a 1′ off because it’s legendary, meaning you cant build your entire deck around it (and get much greedier because you’ll see a bigger part of your deck).
BUT classes that use weapons already cant use this… Rogue cant use it or lose their hero power. Warrior and paladin cant really either…
Is this usefull as aggro? I really cant tell. Demon hunter cant use it at the very least (it’s going to burn the charges for nothing).
So this can be good in druid, mage, warlock, shaman, priest?
I think it’s better in priest. It’s gona be the only way priest is going to see a bigger part of their deck (right now they can generate cards, they cant draw).
No it does not mess with tortollan. How so?
First, you can frost nova the board or play a secret with tortollan, so you’re protected from 8 dmg from rogue warrior or demon hunter hitting your face.
You keep one secret in hand whole game or if you dont draw the secret your turn will be Tortollan (secret) Cloud prince to face, Tortollan again to freeze the board or copy, and so on.
The alternative requires you to draw Blizzard. If you dont draw blizzard you cant start damaging face.
The only weird interaction would be to get ALL 3 non potion spell with tortollan. Happened to me once in 12 games so far.