Nidnam1252's Comments
Rastakhan's Rumble Card Review #1 - Sul'thraze, Shirvallah, the Tiger, Hir'eek, the Bat, Hex Lord Malacrass, Cannon Barrage and more!
I think Baited Arrow could work well in Mech version of Deathrattle Hunter.
Being able to target your own Spider Bomb/Mechanical Whelp to trigger the deathrattle and get a 5/5 gives it some added versatility and makes it less likely that it will sit in your hand with nothing to shoot.
Baited Arrow
Couple of things to consider here.
1) This can go face, Flanking Strike can’t
2) You can target your own minions (like Spider Bomb/Mechanical Whelp) to get the overkill effect.
Savage Striker
so, the new gimmick for Druid is going to be the ability to stack stupid amounts of attack… instead of stupid amounts of armor?
Baited Arrow
This could be really powerful if some kind of Odd Hunter deck emerges from Rastakhan…
Otherwise, I think Flanking Strike is still a better option.
The Boomsday Project Launch Survival Guide - Launch/Release Time, Tips, & Information
You’re only guaranteed a Legendary in the first 10 packs if you have NEVER opened any packs from that set before.
Luna's Pocket Galaxy
although, if Mecha’thun is your goal… you’re probably better off playing Pocket Galaxy BEFORE Hemet (so you don’t draw the Mecha’thun before it gets reduced)
Luna's Pocket Galaxy
Nah bro…. go for style points
Hemet into Pocket galaxy for a 1-mana Mecha’thun that you kill next turn with Voodoo Doll + Hero Power for the win 🙂
Boommaster Flark
Clockwork Automaton + Hero Power for six damage on turn 7 would be even better.
Clockwork is a bigger threat that forces your opponent to answer it… if they can’t answer it, you have a 4/4 mech that can be magnetized next turn (while still having a 6 damage hero power)
Luna's Pocket Galaxy
Hemet, Jungle Hunter into Pocket Galaxy could have some potential
Dreampetal Florist
Stick a Drakkari Enchanter before playing Dorian & Psychmelon for even more shenanigans
Boommaster Flark
still a lot of cards to be revealed… we haven’t even seen a single neutral 3 drop yet
Boommaster Flark
Faithful Lumi isn’t the only 1 drop you run…
if you lose the board immediately at the start, with Fire Fly, Dire Mole, and Argent Squire at your disposal, then you’re doing something wrong.
also, Boommaster Flark is not the master plan (it’s an emergency “uh-oh” button)
—Most games where Odd Hunter loses, go something like this;
Turns 1-5 = Drill your opponent in the face
Turns 5-6 = Opponent stabilizes before you can get lethal
Turns 6-8 = Opponent counterattacks and you concede
The Boommaster, is a potential last-ditch effort to get that last chunk of damage in to secure the win.
It isn’t. It won’t