Nidnam1252's Comments
you are wrong….
“Overkill” is an ability that activates whenever a card with the keyword deals damage to a character with less Health than the damage dealt during your turn.
It was already confirmed by Peter Whalen on Twitter that the combo works exactly as I said
Since I don’t see it mentioned in comments yet…
This works with Linecracker.
Stick a Linecracker for 1 turn, target it with bees on the following turn and go face for 80 damage.
Rise of Azshara - Wowhead Patch 8.2 Coverage
I’m waiting for Classic WoW to drop in August
In wild;
Turn 4: Mechwarper, Mechwarper, Conceal
Turn 5: Faceless Manipulator, INFINITE Sn1p Sn4p
Reckless Experimenter Nerf Will Go Live Alongside Upcoming Buff Patch (June 3)
Mage is the best candidate… Simulacrum and molten reflection
Priest is the only class that has access to cards that change your healing effects to deal damage.
Also, if your health is ever reduced to 0, you die… regardless of how much armor you have.
Big Block's Midrange Hunter (Rise of Shadows - theory craft)
Tracking doesn’t work that great with Zul’Jin… the cards are chosen at random when he casts them. Could mill something you don’t want to.
Archivist Elysiana
STEP 1: Heistbaron Togwaggle (Choose Wondrous Wand)
STEP 2: Archivist Elysiana
STEP 3: Archmage Vargoth + Wondrous Wand
STEP 4: Profit
Archmage Vargoth
Turn 6: Heistbaron Togwaggle
Turn 7: Archmage Vargoth + Wondrous Wand (Draw 6 cards, they all cost 0)
Or, if you’re behind on board, Play with Zarog’s Crown to summon 4 random Legendary minions
Sludge Slurper
Assuming you drop this turn 1;
Ethereal Lackey, Faceless Lackey, and Kobold Lackey are what you’re looking for.
Goblin Lackey is the worst outcome
Witchy Lackey is the best outcome IF THE MURLOC SURVIVES, if it doesn’t it’s as bad as Goblin Lackey
Keeper Stalladris
For those who didn’t watch the reveal video, the cards that get added to your hand cost the same mana as the choose one spell you play… So for example, after you play Wrath, you would get a 2 mana spell that deals 3 damage and a 2 mana spell that deals 1 damage and draws a card added to your hand.
Right now, Druid has 6 spells this works with…
Power of the Wild
Mark of Nature
Mark of the Loa
I don’t know if it’s good enough for Mark of Nature and Mark of the Loa to see play… but there is some potential in the ability to give 2 separate minions +4 health and Taunt with 1 card.
This DOES work really well with Wrath and Power of the Wild and to a lesser extent Starfall
It’s a little awkward with Nourish… It is great if you want to draw cards but by the time you have enough mana to play both cards together, the copy of the spell that gives you 2 mana crystals will be a dead card in hand.
Rafaam's Scheme
I actually like the Scheme mechanic… I just think they were all overcosted (except Togwaggle’s)
Rafaam's Scheme
The problem with Hagatha’s Scheme is it’s lack of consistency…
Cards like Elemental Destruction and Volcano were good because it didn’t matter when you drew them.
Hagatha’s Scheme is only good if you draw it within first 2-3 turns…. if you draw it on turn 6 or 7, it’ll sit in your hand til turn 9 or 10 before you play it… by that time aggro decks have killed you and control decks are playing 8+ health minions so the 4-5 damage from Scheme is irrelevant.
the only saving grace for Hagatha’s Scheme is that it’s the first Shaman AoE spell to NOT overload your mana
I had completely forgotten about Scarab Egg… Seven 1/1 minions on turn 3 lol.
Their is another card I feel has potential with BEEEES!!! too that you didn’t mention though.
Ironhide Direhorn…. which basically turns the 1/1 Bees into 5/5’s