MrPoison's Comments
Princess Talanji
Priest is trying to be too many things this expansion, will ended up being nothing.
Rabble Bouncer
Star aligner is gonna be a thing this expansion, so many 7 health minions.
High Priest Thekal
Coin this on turn 2, turn 3 two 8/8 molten giants, imnot playing wild for a while i guess…
Bwonsamdi, the Dead
I will craft a weasel deck even if it isn’t viable just for the memes.
Spirit of the Dead
NO! they don’t. All copied cards are created equal to the original one, despite the actual state of it. from there, any extra effect is added and explained in the card that made it possible,
As when you revive a minion, you revive a copy of it, not the original. and as a brand new copy, it doesn’t revive with the enchantments.
Cube is a good example. you can destroy a 10/10 Snowflipper Penguin with taunt, lifesteal, divine shield and mega-windfury and yet, cube will give you 2 1/1 penguins when it dies.
Bwonsamdi, the Dead
SO, you want more cards that support mindblast priest? because that has been the best archetype for priest for the Since MSoG, and it’s just so boring to play mindblast or combo again and again, im glad blizzard trying to push another archetype for this class.
Time Out!
Inmunity works by avoiding taking any damage, but Inmune minions can still be destroyed by twisting nether and doomsayer, so it’s mostly probably mecha’thun effect would apply anyway.
Surrender to Madness
Lets take Lady in White as example, a great effect, but useless because of tempo, how is this card better than that? to me is far worse. For priest is already hard to survive the early game because the lack of good cheap drops, and this put you 3 turns behind… Keleseth is strong, because it has no other backdraw than sacrifying your 2 mana cost cards wich makes no much difference in the mid to late game. +2/+2 is a strong effect, but the current meta have some good aggro decks like odd rogue and heallock, plus, pirates are back so i dont think the meta will turn slower this expansion, 1,5/5.
E.M.P. Operative
Well, as i see it, there are 2 anti-tribe crabs, Golakka Crawler and Hungry crab, anti Pirate and anti murloc as well, those two tribes does not have really high stats, i dont remember a murloc having mora than 5 health, or a pirate, and minions with low health are relatively easy to deal with, but mech will be different, they have the magnetic mechanic now, i can easily picture a mech having more than 6 hp so that means are heavy to kill. just look at zilliax, wargear or beryllium nullifier and remember they will be attached to other minions
E.M.P. Operative
5 mana 4/4 destroy a minion? i dont think so, 5 mana 3/3 it’s pretty fair, its like a vilespine without the combo requeriment, but restricted to mech tag. and vilespine is played a lot in rogue decks. this meta, mech minions enchanced by magnetic will snowball, and this card is a heavy stop for them. 4/5, will see play.
Arcane Dynamo
well, discover cards are good in arena, and if it ensures you to get a high value spell, i think it will be OK in control decks, in constructed not so much.
2/5 constructed.
3.5/5 arena.
Dreampetal Florist
I find it out guys, blizzard team are designing every single one of the druid cards overpowered so when we will ask for a nerf, (after 6 months) they will nerf one, or two at max , and druid will be still being op, and we will beg for another nerf, and blizzard team will say “But guys, we already nerfed ‘x’ card, stop complaining and adapt to the new meta” that if we even get an answer from they.
Power Word: Replicate
I mean, for my taste, it feel kinda empty, because the colours used are basically Green and mostly grey, the background makes me sad, the shadow is pretty basic, almost non-existent, like 80% of the art is symmetrical, i have no problem with symmetry, in fact i feel comfortable with it, but i think, it feels like the designer leave it unfinished. but w/e, im ok with it.
*Laughs in dusbreaker*