MarmotMurloc's Comments
Hunter fans everywhere: These hunter cards for no holds have been pretty bad so far… Blizzard must be making them a super powerful special weapon!!!
Blizzard: Nah, why would we do that! We’ve already devoted this set to strengthening priest and merging hunter, so why would we try to brink hunter back from the brink! We just decided we hate hunter, son no good weapons for you loyal blizzard fans
Hunter fans: Oh…. ok then
And so, budget Hearthstone begins to end
Vulgar Homunculus
Your answer brings many questions, mon ami. What is right? Is what’s right for one person right for all people? Is what’s right for wild right for standard? Is what’s right at legend rank right at rank 5?
Many questions, but I believe it is up to the individual to decide what is right for themselves, not others opinions
-Philosophical Murloc
Twilight Acolyte
Who knew that the catacombs weren’t actually full of Kobolds, but full of priests!
Twilight Acolyte
Lol, you can tell which blizzard likes more by just looking at the epics!
Twilight Acolyte
How this card came to be:
Player suggestion: Priest needs a card like that Palladian one that turns something’s attack to one!
Blizzard :Sure, that seems reasonable
Player: And it needs to have equal stats
Blizzard: That’s fine, we’ll just need to give it Dragon synergy to make sure it’s original
Player: Originnal huh? How about it also takes what ever it nerfs attack stat for its own! That would give players a lot of value! It may need higher health then though.
Blizzard: We’ll keep it in line with 3/3 stats by changing it to 2/4 which still gives it more health, but the damage swap seems to broken. How about we change it to giving another minion 2 attack instead of 1! That completely balances it gaining a bonus five to six stat points!
And so, a broken card is born.
Lesser Diamond Spellstone
I agree with you on this one. Although quad resurrect could be broken (if only the lich king died, is would cry than concede.) The odds of you fully activating it means 8 spells cast. That alone not bad, but chances you max out the second one are quite a bit lower unless you start with both of them.
All in all, 8/10, broken when used right but not for everyone!
(P.S. I’ve always wanted there to be an otk velen priest and I think this helps that goal , I would like to see decklists if people have ideas!)
(P.P.S I know razakus priest already almost has a velen otk, but i mean a true , all you need is velen and a damage spell combo, something like spellstone for 4 velens then mindblast for 40, if you can get that to work!)
Lesser Emerald Spellstone
Yeah, its definitely easy to summon at least three wolves on turn 5, even if it’s easy to kill said wolves with aoe, they still have to be dealt with quickly ! This will normally give you an tempo advantage as you’ll get to play into a hopefully empty board!
All in all, it’s a pretty good spellstone 8.5/10 I think because some cards like that new four cost Dragon from the priests (Duskbringer I think) would deal with it effectively, but without a board clear, it would leave your opponent hurting!
Ixlid, Fungal Lord
Now this is an awesome a possibly very broken card mechanic with big and or malygos druid. The question is, how do you get it to survive one turn?
Warlock can shadowbolt,(and much, much more)
Priest can potion of madness (or just use some shadow words on it)
There’s no telling how many ways mage can kill this.
Rogue can eviscerate ( amongst other ways)
Druid can wrath+hero power or swipe
Shaman can blast or hex it
Warrior can execute it or just smack it with a big weapon
Paladin may have the most difficulty killing it with spells… but Paladin has great minions to smash into it
Hunter can kill command it.
And that’s just a couple, so dont hate if I missed your favorite killing method for a class!
Survivability will be rough, but there will be many cool combos if it lives!
Deck of Wonders
Sigh, if it really triggered quest mage that is. Unfortunately it doe not trigger the quest, it would be cool if it did though!
As it is, you just use it for memes and more memes!
Vulgar Homunculus
Yo, it’s up to you how you play! If you feel more comfortable with more two drops and no keleseth then go for it! I definitely see the positives of having a better and more consistent turn 2.
I’m gonna stick with my buddy “Doctor 2” on this one though. It just feels good to pull a 2/2 or 3/3 patches out of your deck… or just the 4 cost 6/8 stat sauronite chain gang if there buffed.
As said though, it’s up to the player what they want to run!
Kobold Librarian
It’s definitely got really good synergy with aggro warlock, and that spellstone could help keep warlock alive until guldan comes in with heavy support! This looks like a good expansion for aggro warlock although the new board clears for priest irritate me. I might be in legend by now if not for lucky rogues ( the ones that triple keleseth with the coin on turn 1) and my least favorite people, the 5 razakus priests I got to fight consecutively!
I beat 3/5, which made me very happy but normally I’m not that lucky as an aggro warlock. By turn three as usual your building up a nice board…. nothing massive yet but probably three 1 drops and hopefully Keleseth or a 3 drop (Darkshire or otherwise, I bring vicious fledgling as an instant win con )then your opponent just auchenai soul priest-healing wave thing combos and clears the board. Luckily warlocks act fast, and you’ve got an army back by turn five…only to find that the priest has pint size potion-shadow word horror and clears your board again.
Luckily, you life tap and have the board refilled by turn 7, only to find that your priest friend saved their Dragonfire potion just for your minions. If I have any resolve left at that point, ill try for a couple more minions. Then comes anduin shadowreaper and the game is curtains. Not on easy street yet, but headed there!
Nice to meet a fellow “Doctor 2” warlock though! I wish you luck in legend!
Kobold Librarian
Goo point. It feels bad every time you start a ladder a match and guess what… it’s a priest. As aggro warlock you just have to watch the board get cleared over… and over… and over. Psychic scream and every that mini board clearing Dragon might see play in razakus highlander, and let us not forget that priest weapon, for an alternate win condition.
As a non priest player, feels bad man.
Primal Talismans
Sigh, truly random fellow shaman fan. I wish they had them in order, so it guaranteed all four and a turn 5 windlord. But no. It does not appear that way. At least shamans have grumble to help summon the windlord by bouncing your totems to your hand for safekeeping when till you will finally get to summon the windlord, most likely on turn 9 or 10.
Feels bad man.
Kobold Librarian
Totally, they would need to remove guldan from the game to make warlock weak enough to not see much play. Actually, that wouldn’t even be enough. How about removing all warlock spells from the game?
Hold it, aggro only runs 2-4 spells…
How about we remove all warlock cards form the game and makes the hero power cost 11!
That will ensure that warlock aren’t played! I think that’s the only way though. Lol.
Kobold Librarian
Definitely! As an aggro warlock player pushing for legend( I am aware the season will have reset by its release, and I will most likely hit legend before it comes out, ideally this season) this card will be great!
5 stars for decent stats, card draw, and spellstone power up! A good day for warlords!
Vulgar Homunculus
Guldan is a very fun craft and I would say almost necessary to play any sort of Warlock. He wouldn’t be my absolute first craft, but if you’ve got the extra dust, go for it!
Vulgar Homunculus
Drat, your right. So close to being so good for zoolock aggro, but keleseth is a must have. I mean, two mana for what is pretty much 10 extra damage with Keleseth, or two mana for a decent statline. Not quite worth it.
Windshear Stormcaller
This cards best potential is memes, unless some totem evolve shaman becomes a thing. That being said, who doesn’t like memes? It’ll be fun to try to make some midrange shaman with evolve as a backup strategy, maybe not practical for ladder, but ill definitely enjoy making some midrange shamans with this and grumble.
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
Lol, maybe, especially some like prince keleseth or the death knights, those are the degenerates!
Nice combo!
I think Kobolds is the set of memes and really like all of the random decks like this that aim for ridiculous win conditions!
I’ve been trying to make all spell meme hunter a thing (we all know that’s never gonna happen) but this could actually see some play sometimes!
10/10 would meme again