luca's Comments
Jar Dealer
There will most likely be better options for token druid and zoo lock. It will probably see play for a bit until better options show up and it’ll get cut.
Pretty sure this is shaman’s plague card. It does exactly what plague cards are supposed to do. A plague card doesn’t need to have ‘plague’ in it’s name, but an earthquake with a massive impact on both players minions is obviously a plague card.
Plague of Death
But will control priest be good? I really hope it will be this expansion.
Supreme Archaeology
You are wasting a card slot and turn 1 to activate a quest which will be hard and unreliable to complete. Using plot twist is and mechathun is unreliable. (you want mechathun to still be in your deck when you completed the quest). a standard control deck will not get much value out of this either. Most games don’t last 20 turns and this card alone wont push plot twist warlock towards viable. We will see what other toys warlock gets though, theres still hope!
Underbelly Ooze
how exactly would you pull an otk off with this, might just be me but I can’t think of a otk with this.
Eccentric Scribe
you’re not seriously looking to play 11 mana 6-4 with a lot of effort add 4 random mage spells to your hand right?
Violet Spellsword
theres much better low-cost targets than this if you want to divine inner fire. eg. twilight drake
The Boom Reaver
would have to play it on another turn and probably not the best thing you can do on that turn with the rng involved. It could be good with hero dr.boom though
Archivist Elysiana
discover goes to your hand, unless the card text says differently. eg. discover a legendary minion, summon 2 copies of it
Plot Twist
spicy says: Yugioh is a completely different game, and in Yugioh many cards allow you to selectively search out cards to boost your consistency. In Hearthstone however you have to rely on drawing a specific card by drawing many cards.
Crystalsong Portal
spicy says: 2 mana tax on a random minion is terrible. Decks that run few minions usually don’t want more.
Crystalsong Portal
it is kinda like stonehill defender. Except it’s not a minion, it’s for druid, it costs 1 less, it doesn’t discover a taunt minion and it can give you all 3 minions. it shares keyword though!
Quest lock probably won’t work unless blizzard prints some insane cards. This probably wont push it. While the 1/1 demons count towards the quest and have synergies, they will still be horrible draws. So far it looks like quest lock will be a meme deck at best, again.