LegendaryBot's Comments
Galakrond, the Unbreakable
Tempo warrior may be possible, but with what’s been revealed, no. And also the reason control warrior isn’t doing well is doom in the tomb which will (finally) be over when decsent is live.
Galakrond, the Unbreakable
But it entirely depends on warriors invoke cards (don’t think devoted maniac will see play)
Galakrond, the Unbreakable
I’m pretty sure it’s balanced, when your opponent plays this, you just use your AOE next turn since at seven mana in warrior being able to drop something along with this is rare, but it may be used for aggro/tempo warrior which will probably will be able to.
really only quest hunter, knife juggler, and bloodlust seem to have a decent synergie with this. And if it get’s some support in DoD it’ll be even beter. Stand alone it’s already pretty good value, but in comparison with other DoD cards it just isn’t that strong, I like the concept though, so 4/5?
(being generous)
Envoy of Lazul
But it also really depends on which other card priest gets to determine how good it is. It can be all the way from 1/5 to 4/5.
Envoy of Lazul
It seems like a 2/5, But if it could for example see the buffs or discounts on a card, it might not be al bad…
Descent of Dragons Card List & Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Reveals, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
22 Nov. basically three neutral cards that can make it into the meta.
Dragonrider Talritha
How about Undertaker+bronze herald+immortal prelate+dragon rider Talritha+quest?
That could maybe work, and IS infinite value…
Descent of Dragons Card List & Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Reveals, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
Shouldn’t there have been a reveal today? I didn’t get anything yet…
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Update - November 19 - 4 New Heroes, MMR Changes, Junkbot Nerf, Buffs to Coldlight Seer, Primalfin Lookout and Voidlord
Think Elise will be top tier, Finley pretty much pre buff mukla, I have no idea about sidragosa, could be bad or insanely good, brann depends as well.
Tavern Brawl Disabled Until Tomorrow (November 14th), Will Return as a Different Brawl
Switch galvaniser for mechwarper?
Four New Battleground Heroes Found in Game Files - Released Next Week?
They all seem pretty good
Lightning Breath
I’m sure shaman will get at least two dragons, and draconic lackey will further buff the archetype. Twin tyrant has a small chance to make an impact, but it probably wont be needed. This card will definitely see lots of play. 5/5.
Frozen Fate (Freeze Mage) [Season 68 - Wild]
I don’t mean replace but to get more yoggs
After playing 4 invoke cards which are quite slow.