Kuroha's Comments
Yogg-Saron Combo Shaman
I agree, for some odd reason I was under the assumption I already had a Fire Elemental in the deck.
Yogg-Saron Combo Shaman
I didn’t expect to see you comment on this deck xP What do you think about it?
Yogg-Saron Combo Shaman
I would take Evident’s advice and don’t worry about crafting cards or looking for replacements until all the WotG cards have been revealed, but as it stands a lot of the cards you mentioned aside from Saraad are pretty crucial.
Yogg-Saron Combo Shaman
Exactly! There’s virtually no risk of you manage to keep Hallazeal alive before you play Yogg.
Yogg-Saron Combo Shaman
Precisely! And luckily, crackle will more than likely be able to be replaced with a new shaman spell coming out
Seems like an extremely slow version of earth shock. It’s funny how Blizzard is keeping the theme of earth shock obliterating twilight cards. Works amazing in N’Zoth decks and with Unearthed Raptor. Probably too slow for most decks as you will be attacking with a 5/5 on turn 6 when it won’t matter if you don’t activate it with something like whirlwind. In my opinion, outside of synergies with raptor and N’Zoth it’s not very good.