KLGamet's Comments
Valeera the Hollow
No, you only get 1 Shadow Reflection per Turn. You can see this in the video of Savjz.
Thrall, Deathseer
It’s a strong card but why did they make at least 4 cards that have to do with freeze and the Herocard is about evolve. Makes no sense to me.
Some people will never be happy with stuff whatever you do. I like this expansion a lot because of the theme and the new things like herocards and lifesteal. I think it will be almost as good as WotOG.
Also the Hearthstone-Team can’t make only good cards which will brake the meta. There will always be cards like Mindbraker, Ticking Abomination, Purify, Lost in the Jungle etc. These cards are made for more fun decks rather then ladder.
Archbishop Benedictus
The game has a limit of 89 Turns. On turn 90 both players die and the game ends in a draw.
I don’t think you can even play a 1h long game except both players rope every turn.
Ice Walker
It also has to change the animation to an icebolt. Otherwise you freeze the enemy with fire.
Snowflipper Penguin
but you would rather have the 1 Mana 1/1 Charge boar then the pingiun most of the time
Snowflipper Penguin
This beast only exists to kill the new Hunter Heropower. I know I’m gonna see this Pinguin a lot while crafting a Zombeast.
But there could be new Mage Dragons and there is Coldarra Drake in Wildformat.
Quest shaman in Standard confirmed