JRbbx's Comments
Wild Kingsbane Mill Rogue ft. Goblin Auto-Barber
This deck is a much faster and (relatively) more consistent version of Kingsbane rogue. Although it’s the same as a regular KB deck in that, against aggro your main focus is to survive (which means this deck is a lot weaker compared to regular due to the lack of control elements), it’s different in that it can generally buff Kingsbane a lot faster from my experience with the deck. You’re not looking to stall the game so that you can buff your Kingsbane, you’re looking to buff it immediately and focus on that solely. As for Edwin, he would be alright in this deck but pulling him from Elven Minstrel’s combo effect rather than a Coldlight, Auto-Barber, Shinyfinder or another Minstrel makes the deck a little less consistent.
Wild Kingsbane Mill Rogue ft. Goblin Auto-Barber
in that case you just play mill rogue and be sadistic af with how much you mill your opponents
Tavern Brawl The Wild Brawliseum
Wild Kingsbane Mill Rogue
How Many Packs am I Getting From the Hearthstone (HCT) World Championship 2017?
he even used shadowreaper anduin’s hero power 41 times in one game against shtanudachi
[WILD] Kingsbane Mill Rogue - Winrate 74%
for me personally, I experience a tonne of games where I don’t draw my leeching bc I’m unlucky as shit so two for me works. When I’ve already used one leeching I kinda just use the other one as an activator for combo (in this case for oil and for minstrel). There are obviously better choices for that last spot instead of leeching but it does work
TwoBiers' Top 50 Legend Aggro Pirate Warrior (December 2017)
decided to give it a try to see if pirate warrior is finally making a comeback and at ranks 4 – 2, let me just say, it’s either not working out or I’m just hella unlucky
There is absolutely no substitution for Valeera in this version of the deck. Valeera is a powerful card for rogue and is definitely something you’d want to craft, not only for this deck but for many others. Without Valeera you lose so much attack power (shadow reflection doubles up on all your remaining buffs).