irishkid200's Comments
Pharaoh's Blessing
Its like Annoy-o-Tron + BoK in spell form. Will definitely see play in any viable midrange paladin deck.
Hack the System
Almost fits into some aggro warrior as a backup plan, except A: Aggro warrior kinda doesn’t have any support and B: Bad turn 1 play. Dr. Boom is just better. 3/5 though for the potential.
EVIL Recruiter
This is oddly comparable to Heistbaron Togwaggle, in fact maybe just a smaller version of it. A mediocre card that you can’t play on curve, but when you have a lackey to play alongside it, you gain massive tempo. 4 mana for 8/8 among two bodies is perfect for zoo and has synergy with other staples like knife juggler, dire wolf, other lackeys, etc. just like Heistbaron’s Wand has perfect synergy with rogue decks. Heistbaron was clunky when you had it but no lackey, but this card even makes up for that (3/3/3 is much better than a 6/5/5) so I’m giving it a 5 star rating.
Control Warrior - Shadows HoF - #35 Legend (TheViper94)
I was saying that they mistitled it, they called it bomb warrior but there’s no bombs in it. They fixed it recently.
Control Warrior - Shadows HoF - #35 Legend (TheViper94)
no bombs in this? its just control warrior
Supreme Archaeology
Elekk + Plot Twist? Not sure if its competitive but the only way to make this work is with a high cost and shuffling deck.
Piloted Reaper
Piloted Shredder except you’re pulling out a minion from your hand. Upside is that you know what you’re likely to get and can control it, plus its a minion that you know will fit your deck archetype. Piloted Shredder saw play and still sees play in wild. 5/5
Spark Engine
3-mana 2/1 Battlecry: Deal 1 damage. There’s a basic neutral minion that’s better except this card you can use the 1 damage whenever and potentially magnetize something on it. 1/5 still.
Spark Drill
Moonfire that always targets a minion and gives you 2x 1-mana deal 1 damage. Seems bad. 1/5.
Rocket Boots
The “Charge” spell except +1 mana to draw a card. It has a tiny bit of potential in a recruit warrior maybe? 3/5, not bad but not excellent.
Possessed Villager saw play in Zoolock, not sure if the meta is right for it currently but it’s not bad. 3.5/5
Juicy Psychmelon
Big Druid runs enough threats that they can’t cheat out every minion, and there are some cards they simply can’t cheat out (Tyrantus). In fact, they don’t really have that many ways to cheat out minions. Oakheart is an exception as it 90% of the time pulls out at least one big thing, whether it being through oakheart himself or dragonhatcher. The other “cheating” cards are Dragonhatcher, which can be killed fairly easily through removal or if it doesn’t pull a taunt, and Bright-Eyed Scout, which can low-roll pretty badly and quite often hits spells.
Of course, this isn’t to say that Big Druid has trouble cheating them out, I’m simply stating that it doesn’t always work. This card is a backup plan for if things go wrong or even mediocre, and also acts as a win-more card so you can fuel your steady stream of threat after threat after threat. As an added bonus, it could act as the only way to tutor for Tyrantus and Lich King, even though Tyrantus isn’t necessarily a core card.
Juicy Psychmelon
Big Druid (which this is geared towards) doesn’t play UI, so one copy of this could easily fit in. Also in Hadronox lists, they run 0-1 copies of UI due to it providing too much draw, I think a 4 mana draw/tutor 2 cards wouldn’t be too overwhelming.
Juicy Psychmelon
This is insane. In Big Druid, this is 4 mana draw 2 at worst, draw 3 in the middle, and draw 4 at best. Draw your Hadronox/Oakheart/Dragonhatcher/Ysera/Sleepy Dragon (last two aren’t great to draw but still), plus your Lich King or Primordial Drakes, and sometimes draw Tyrantus. This is insane once you’ve ramped, if you’re in the process of ramping, or if you’re already dropping threats; so essentially 80% of the match. In Malygos Druid this draws Lich King and Malygos/Alex, and in Hadronox this draws mostly the same things as Big Druid except no 10 cost. Surprised this isn’t the legendary spell, what was Blizz thinking?
5/5, will see play in every single Big Druid list and likely in Malygos and Hadronox decks as well.
To be fair, most cards are garbage compared to CTA. If anything, this could improve CTA if there’s a deck with both of them in it. This makes your CTA pull out better minions, but it could also make your CTA pull out no minions if you’re close to running out of targets.
Lynessa/Quest Pally buff. New tier 1 deck? /s
It’s not terrible, I mean its a 2 mana draw 2 that thins out your deck. Could see play in a midrange sort of Paladin, so Mech Pally or Even Pally. (which isn’t doing terrible right now) Played early it helps fuel your board, played late it helps you get to larger minions faster. Also seems good in control pally, its a 2 mana draw your Righteous Protectors or Gastropods.
5/5, very powerful effect and it looks like there will be at least one good midrange paladin this expansion.
Reckless Experimenter
Ah thanks for clarifying, RIP insane combos. There’s still cube and devilsaur egg so 4/5 then
Gloop Sprayer
Note: I’m not saying its overpowered, Druid already has a good enough Malygos combo. This is honestly just a win-more card that’s too clunky when drawn and only works very situationally.
Gloop Sprayer
Turn 9: Malygos pass.
Turn 10: Flobidinous Floop -> Faceless -> Trigger Twig -> This card -> 2X Moonfire
42 damage in one turn
Firelands portal dealt 5 and left on average a 5/5. When you pick Rush and Divine Shield, you deal 6 and get a 6/6. Firelands Portal was insanely good, this is strictly better. That’s not even considering the versatility of this. 5/5