HuntingFor90's Comments
Another Nerf Patch Coming Soon - Galakrond Decks, Pirate Warrior, Deathrattle Rogue - More Info Next Week
If they move a card to the hall of fame you get full dust value and can keep him so you don’t miss anything
Another Nerf Patch Coming Soon - Galakrond Decks, Pirate Warrior, Deathrattle Rogue - More Info Next Week
If they nerf something you get full dust value so it won’t cost you anything
Winter Veil Bundle Now Available! Get 30 Packs + Dame Hazelbark for $24.99! - Available Until January 6
I think that’s the Lunar Event which is the WoW January “New Year’s” Event, not the Christmas event. I also hope they bring it back
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
Play wild then, I’m free to play and I’ve never ended a season below rank 5 in wild. Your cards go a lot farther in wild since there are less new impactful cards each expansion. Once you have the core wild cards created for decks you like you will use them for much longer than in standard
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
Activates any of the combo cards
Leeroy OTK Priest - Zetalot - Descent of Dragons
Other than fate weavers which you have to use to pull off the combo you don’t have any other dragons in the deck, so breath of the infinite will never proc the “enemies only”
Leeroy OTK Priest - Zetalot - Descent of Dragons
If you use both fate weavers with Leeroy, both Grave Rune, Embalming Ritual, and Breath of the Infinite in your hand you can go: Leeroy face, 6 damage (3 mana) –> Grave Rune (2 mana, 5 mana total) –> Grave Rune (2 mana, 7 mana total) –> Embalming Ritual (0 mana, 7 mana total) –> Breath of the infinite, summoning 5 more Leeroys for 30 damage, 36 damage total (1 mana, 8 mana total)
So if you invoke twice in the early game and have an amazing draw you could do this turn 8, and if you’re damaging the other hero you might not need full combo to kill them off
Descent of Dragons Theorycraft Deck Lists - New Builds For Every Class!
Hadn’t thought about that before, thanks for the idea
Descent of Dragons Card Review #3 - Talritha, Shu'ma, Galakrond, the Unbreakable, Nether Breath, Amber Watcher, Kronx Dragonhoof, Veranus, and more!
Hello just pointing out a typo…Amber watcher says “This card is a 5-drop that heals for 5” should say heals for 8.
Thanks for the reviews
Thaurissan OTK Paladin
Next expansion Thaurissan will be taken out so it won’t be possible to complete the OTK
Hearthstone Class Card Crafting Guide (Wild) - Saviors of Uldum Post-Nerf Meta
Good article, I agree with everything here except for Glinda being a good card to craft. If Blizz ever nerfs Snip-Snap Glinda will be useless because she isn’t used in a single other deck. If you plan on playing only snip-snap she’s useful otherwise I would suggest the other warlock legendaries.
Also just FYI the Arcane Flakmage and Kirin Tor Mage in the “good rare cards to craft” section doesn’t link to the cards.
New 1000 Wins Cosmetic Hero Portraits - Here's How They Look Like!
Paladin looks awesome time for wild mech pally
Blitzchung Removed from Grandmasters over a Controversial Hong Kong Interview and Banned from Competing for a Year, Casters Also Fired
Lol seriously it sounds like Stonekeep forgot that ActiBlizz is a bunch of money-hungry shills. They will choose money over human rights any day of the week. Shareholders don’t care about human rights they care about fat wallets
Mech Paladin - #13 Legend (Leta) - Uldum Post-Nerf
After seeing your comment I looked it up….there are 10 dragons in the standard set (not including classic/basic) and 52 mechs in the standard set (not including classic/basic). Maybe it should be Year of the Mech
Tavern Brawl - Brawl Block: Gods, Gadgetzan, Gurubashi
C’thun Jade Druid finally makes a comeback 🙂
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
Agreed, if you aren’t having fun take a break!
Hybrid Mech Dragon
This is a cool deck, although I might trade out 1 scalebane for a brawl so you have some extra clear.
#1 Legend Odd Rogue - Boomsday (Rage)
Also, sorry forgot to mention I run one Cobalt Scalebane and one Ironbeak Owl instead of the two Blink Foxes in my deck. Blink Fox to me was too RNG based where I could get a card I couldn’t even end up playing
#1 Legend Odd Rogue - Boomsday (Rage)
Blood Knights have absolutely won me games, and I feel like it’s almost automatic that if you play a Blood Knight just for tempo then the next turn your opponent throws down a divine shield minion. I could maybe see only running one and switching out the other for Blink Fox but I would not go without at least one Blood Knight. You might also consider the fact that Blood Knight takes away all divine shields, including your own, so that way if you 4 mana combo Argent Squire –> Blood Knight you have a 6/6 and a 1/1 on board.
As far as not getting 1 drops, generally I hard mulligan for a 1 drop and a 3 three drop with this deck. Also it’s very important to think about what your opponent could do to counter whichever 1 drop you play (i.e. it wouldn’t be smart to play Southsea Deckhand on turn 1 against a mage who can just ping it before you ever attack with it). I never keep any 5 drops because holding a card for 4 turns at the beginning of the game could lose you the game from not having enough tempo. I think the 4 different one drops are the best options and I wouldn’t add any more because once you get to the mid/late game you absolutely have to be drawing your bigger minions.
I hope this helps, I’m Rank 5-2 most seasons so this information might not apply to you if you’re legend.